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original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
by the way everyone, i've lost my fucking 3000word art essay, i have no back up and have misplaced my hard copy. it was supposed to be in today. the moderator is supposed to be looking at this project. i am up shit creak and i definately do not have a fucking god damn paddle. see new thread.

i saved it to disk apparently and i have lost the disk, will it be saved to my computer in a temporary file anyway??? anyone know the time limit on these sorts of files?
can u get hold of a copy of a program Norton Utilities for PC ,presuming u were using a PC? if so then its possible, its not expensive to buy over there i dont think, theres a program there called 'Unerase' if the time limit has expired on the temorary file, u may get to it pronto though, then again im not sure about temporary files , it depends what program u were using, microsoft is usually shite for that
Haha, is that a good idea? "My apologies, but UM is temporarily closed, due to an irrecoverable hard disk failure, which has resulted in the loss of all posts from 15th May. I know it's a pain in the ass, sorry."

Dhatura said:
Haha, is that a good idea? "My apologies, but UM is temporarily closed, due to an irrecoverable hard disk failure, which has resulted in the loss of all posts from 15th May. I know it's a pain in the ass, sorry."


well perhaps it's an excuse you'd take from your students, they you know at the same time if they're checking you out on the internet, anyway

i just wanna read you people's homeworks :)
Morpheus said:
Haven't checked it yet, but maybe you check this:

dunno if it works but it's worth a try i reckon, good luck mate!
theoretically anything that was but on a hard disk can be recovered if you have the resources

there could be a temp file still on the pc but msword etc usually erase these once you close the doc. for a start do a search for any file created on the last day you worked on that doc. And dont forget to include hidden and system folders in that search :err:
some people dont think of these things
anyways, msword makes a temp for file for when you are working on a document, and then erases it when you are finished. its doubtful youd find it thought, even with the proper recovery software :(
StevenK said:
some people dont think of these things
absativley, when you done bleedin IT support for a while you learn not to presume that people have done the blindingly obvious before the scream for help :erk:
it support rule number one. make sure the computer is plugged in.
rule two. make sure the monitor is plugged in.
rule three. ok you all see how this goes.

and the only thing ive ever learned from it support is:
aye once i tried to fix a pc (nothing on screen, seemed to boot up properly) and wasted two hours just to see that the child of the customer had the contrast turned down to zero... it's the obvious things you have to check first, i agree.
Yeah, my screen was almost like that except that it unplugged itself :/

Most people are afraid of computers, you can't expect them to think logically when their stuff disappears. Once I lost a handout I had been putting together for a day and I went so frustrated and angrrry that next morning I fainted. :o
Malaclypse said:
aye once i tried to fix a pc (nothing on screen, seemed to boot up properly) and wasted two hours just to see that the child of the customer had the contrast turned down to zero... it's the obvious things you have to check first, i agree.

:lol: ah children arent they just brilliant