New TNBD demo!! Real Drums!! Real amps!!


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Hey dudes!

We're writing our next album, and I recorded some acoustic drums yesterday to a bunch of scratch tracks. So whilst this isn't the final product, it's still pretty decent for demo quality.

TNBD - Exegesis

Drums are 90% natural. The snare has been layered, but not 100% replaced. The kick drum is 100% real, no sample-triggering. And to me, it's the best kick drum I've ever gotten.

I didn't take any photos, but I did a spaced pair with a pair of SE Electronics SE1 for overheads. Kick drum was Shure Beta 52A. Snare was Beta 57A. Floor tom was Rode M3. Rack toms were Sennheiser e804's. Oh yeah, I also mic'd up the bottom of the snare with a T-Bone SC400 LDC mic.

What do you reckon to it?
Music is really cool.
It sounds totally unmixed tho (and by that I don't mean unpolished since you are obviously going for rawer tones). You might want to fix that bass first so it doesn't cloud everything.
Sounds good man. With some mastering that would sound as good or better than half the post-rock in my collection.
You guys should put your cd up on Bandcamp in lossless. I'd send a few bucks if I could get it in FLAC but I won't pay for lossy.
No worries :)

You can always stream the album on our Reverbnation page:

I should say - these drums were only for practice. They're just demos at this point. The real drums for the album will be recorded in January in a big warehouse space that we have access too. By that time, I'm hoping to have another interface (Saffire 56 hopefully) and will use the Profire 2626 as a preamp connected via ADAT. This will give me 16 reasonable mic preamps to record drums with.

Layout will be something like this:

Kick In
Kick Out
Snare Top
Snare Bottom
Floor Tom
Rack 1
Rack 2
Overhead L
Overhead R
Overhead Centre (above snare)
Room L
Room R


Ideas for what I could use the other channels for would be really welcome!! Possibly do the bottom skins of the toms??
Nice I'll listen now.

mic options

Really far room mics?
How about something between kick and toms to later be destroyed with compression/distortion?
Hat and ride close mics?
Maybe XY as well as Spaced pair for overheads
more mics means more phase issues, more time spent on placement and less on takes.

Track it at 88.2 kHz for me please.
Well it'll be a warehouse, so the room mics will be quite far back, and I'll feed them in for the quieter sections of songs. Spot mic on the ride would definitely be a good idea, and I think I'll just stick with the spaced pair for overheads - as you said, might be too many phase issues if I do an X-Y as well.

I might mic the bottoms of the toms as well as the tops.

Why 88.2khz may I ask? Recording in that wont be a problem, but mixing in that might be a problem!!
I don't work on anything good enough to use high sample rates. I haven't tested much but would like to. 88.2 and 96 are about the same quality, but lower disk usage. Yes when mixing it may be a problem, but incentive to get it right in tracking and make commitments as you go.

For overheads I meant XY or 3 spaced as an option, rather than all at once. Although I'm sure you can decide on the day which you like more and not bother with the other.

What mics for the 3 overheads? I've never done this but it could be cool. I think I would have the third either behind the drummer or in front between toms, all equal distance from the snare. That center mic may fuck with your stereo image though, and never sound wide.
Really all I want the centre mic to do is to capture the 'roominess' or the 'overheadiness' of the snare, whilst letting the main OH's focus on cymbals. I can then feed in the centre mic ever so slightly during certain sections, to bring out the snare room.

Just an idea anyway.

I'll probably go with the SE1's again, and I have access to a Rode K2 - which could be a great room mic, or a 3rd OH. Got a pair of 421's that I will try on the toms too.