New to Amon Amarth

Ähmm.....AA hasn't a song called blodhemn as far as I know...Got confused with Enslaved & Co? Or do you mean Bloodshed of Vs. The World?

To the question of LPs: There are some threads concerning this around on this board - so look around or hit the "search button";)
you should probably check out once sent from the golden hall first. enslaved and amon amarth have very little in common musically, but if i had to pick the closest it would be once sent
yeah, i'm listening to once sent right now, great stuff
ah, two people from florida post in a row, nice
i'm from near gainesville myself
yeah, im from cocoa beach (soon to be tallhahassee), axe is from orlando, tomasz and belgar are in tampa, feraliminal is from ocoee, assassin is from somewhere near orlando. theres a shitload of us