New to Devy!


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Hey all, some of you might know me, but i'm new so i need your input. I just ordered Ocean Machine after hearing 2 songs from it, i had to have it! But i got a bad rap yesterday about the rest of Devy's albums....Is this true? I'd really like another album after Ocean, so what would be the next step? Thanks people
Hey, fellow Katatonian!

Well, judging from the fact that you listen to death metal, I (fucking highly) suggest you pick up all three of Strapping Young Lad albums (fourth coming out early next year... Febuary ain't it?). I haven't heard Ocean Machine yet, but other than SYL, I've got Terria, Infinity, and The Physicist. I love SYL about a gazillion-thousand times more than any of the above three, but The Physicist is fucking killer. I honestly don't care for Terria, but Infinity is okay (now ducking from the oncoming verbal blows from other Devy fans).

SYL: can't go wrong.

Anything else: listen to it first and then you decide.

I would like to say the next step is Terria...
(I have a totally "opposed?" opinion compared to evilgenius, he honestly doesn´t care for Terria and I honestly don´t care for Physicist) :D
Originally posted by airman
I would like to say the next step is Terria...
(I have a totally "opposed?" opinion compared to evilgenius, he honestly doesn´t care for Terria and I honestly don´t care for Physicist) :D

It all depends on your musical tastes, man :) And despite the fact that I don't like all of Devin's music, his variation and originality is what makes him fucking awesome.
Originally posted by YouFoolWarrenIsDEAD
First, hunt down those who dared mar devin's name, and then have them drawn and quatered. Secondly, but ALL of Devin's albums. That's all you need to know.

@Jester: he's right. Even though I don't like all too much Terria or Infinity, I definitley don't regret getting them, so you couldn't go wrong in buying all of it.
Good starting album. Ocean Machine got me hooked. Terria is just as brilliant. Both of those have killer atmosphere that you can relax to. On the other hand, get City to kick you in the throat to wake you back up. All Hail the New Flesh...aaahhhhhh