New to drum recording


New Metal Member
Aug 30, 2010
Im looking to get some gear to record drums and im not a totally noob but i would like some suggestions so i can get a better end product but heres what i have so far

ddrum triggers & overheads > tascam US-1641 > My Imac > Protools LE using drumagog w/ steven slate drums

first off, should i use mics instead of triggers? and would it be better to use a different DAW then protools for drums such as logic pro 9 or cubase 5? and is there a better sound replacer then drumagog you guys would recommend?

thanks and any suggestions / criticism is welcome d:
Triggers are fine if you just want to replace the drums. I'd try to get a full kit sound in the overheads to make it sound less machine like.
If your kit and room are half decent then it can definitely be worth getting some mic's to capture the natural drum sound and blend it in with the samples.

All DAW's sound the same, so don't worry about using PT/Logic/Cubase. Just use whatever has the best workflow for you.

Soundreplacer wise I'm using Slate Trigger and think it's fantastic.
well my kit is a tama starclassic b/b and i use meinl byzance cymbals, i really love the sound of my drums, so i would rather use mics but for now im just gonna use triggers, iv heard good things about the slate trigger plugin, is it better then drumagog?
I've only ever used the old version of drumagog and I found it to not be so great, Trigger's been very easy to work with for me so far.

That's a good kit you've got man, you should totally get some decent mic's and spend some time getting a good sound out of it. Make some samples and share them with the forum :)
haha maybe, of course im gonna get some good mics, wouldnt mind sampleing my drums then triggering them and then mic them then blending them together to get a natural tone but it be very consistent, would that be a smart idea?