New to Mic Pre's / adding in front of my interface


Mar 14, 2009
Hey Guys,

Quick noob question on hardware.

I'm looking to add a Golden Age pre73. It'd be the first piece of hardware I own as I just do everything on the hobby level in box.

I have a Line 6 UX2 that I'd be putting this in front of. Would I simply run an unbalanced out into the line input's on the UX2? Or would I run a balanced out into the "mic/pre" input on the UX2? Would running into the line 6 "pre" effect my tone?

What would work best?

Thanks guys.
Unbalanced -> Line In

You don't want to be using the preamp as you already will have one in the signal chain, and the line 6 preamp will just hurt what the better preamp is doing, the line in will just go straight to the converter.
Thanks man!

If I was going to throw a sansamp inbetween for bass would it be...

guitar.....pre....sans....interface or


Then just run them all unbalanced?