New to mixing - could use some feedback


New Metal Member
Dec 20, 2016
Hey guys,

I'm new to this forum, as well as being very new to the world of mixing. Recently I've been working on a metal version of a song from an old PC game that I loved when I was a kid: Jazz Jackrabbit.

Though I'm loving learning about all kinds of new things when it comes to mixing, fact of the matter is that in a broad sense I still have only a very small idea of what I'm doing. Therefore, I could really use some feedback/advice on where to go next. I know there is still a lot wrong with this mix, but honestly I don't know how to continue at this point! Jackrabbit - Tubelectric 3.3.mp3?dl=0
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Well, first off, if you are new to mixing, it's a very good first attempt. I'm also new and I feel like my work is horrible compared to that (though my mixes are a lot more simple, it sounds like you have 2 to 3 guitars doing harmonies?)

Maybe the only critic I would make, and it's actually more a taste thing, I'm not a big fan of the bass tone. If you like it like that it's all good, but I find that it's a bit sounding like *boing**boing* (trying to write the sound...! XD)

Though I am still trying to figure out how to do it myself, I like when the bass is just "there". You don't know it's there, but it's there. Doing a nice low end layer. You don't hear the bass being played per say, but if you turn it off, everything is suddenly empty. Does that make any sense?

But again, if you like your bass the way you did it, I guess you could ignore my comment!

Good work, that's for sure, especially for somebody saying they are new to mixing!
Forgot to mention, people normally prefer when you put a dropbox link or something, replacing the "www" with "dl", so that they just click it and it plays.

Chances of getting feedback are better doing that.
Thanks! Yes, at a few points there's 2 guitars doing harmonies, aside from the quad tracked rhythm guitars.

I don't dislike the bass tone I have at the moment, but I'm not exactly a big fan of it either, haha. I'll make sure to fiddle around with it some more, to see if I can improve it!

As for the dropbox link, how does that work exactly? I tried putting a dropbox link and replacing "www" with "dl" as you said, but it just provides a link instead of a player. Or is that what you meant?
Thanks! Yes, at a few points there's 2 guitars doing harmonies, aside from the quad tracked rhythm guitars.

I don't dislike the bass tone I have at the moment, but I'm not exactly a big fan of it either, haha. I'll make sure to fiddle around with it some more, to see if I can improve it!

As for the dropbox link, how does that work exactly? I tried putting a dropbox link and replacing "www" with "dl" as you said, but it just provides a link instead of a player. Or is that what you meant?

Yes correct, it still stays a hyperlink, however if people click it (and you can try), it will open up new tab with a player