new to Porcupine Tree

four cords that made a million!!!!

whilst your there you might as well get The Bends and Ok Computer by Radiohead. Lightbulb sun album is more than similar to ok computer, love them both, so its all good.
Agreed, Stupid Dream. The problem is, once you do, you will want them ALL! That's what happened to me. If you want Stupid Dream, you might have to get it from or from eBay as it is currently out of print until re-released by Lava next year, though there may be some left at (Same is true for Lightbulb Sun)
I notice alot of people talking about radiohead... i never thought of them as progressive.. just.. radiohead.. i dont think any other group comes close to matching the kind of music they make.. every album is completely diffferent...

pablo honey is a rocky but mellow album.. the bends is more.. out there.. ok computer is just cool.. then it really gets neat with Kid A.. i think that is their best... absolutely amazing.. amnesiac is really good too.. probably tied .. you should go buy all radiohead's cd's ;)
I'm also looking to get some PT after x-mas.

As for Radiohead, I absolutely love them. Kid A just blows my mind whenever I listen to it, especially "How to Disappear Completely". The Bends I would probably consider to be their 2nd best, with OK Computer closely following. I consider Opeth, Radiohead and Tool to be the best bands out there right now, all of whom are blowing away most of the other bands in their genre.
It depends with PT really. If you really want to get into them as a band then I suggest starting with Signify. This was really their sort of cross over album from psychedelia to a more prog rock orientated sound.

Then it just depends on your tastes. If you prefer a Prog Rock approach get Stupid Dream, Lightbulb Sun, Recordings, In Absentia. Or, if your more prone to a bit of the old Psychedelia, work your way backwards with The Sky Moves Sideways, Voyage 34, Up The Downstair, On The Sunday Of Life.

I'd also recommend Coma Divine as a really good album to start with. Really captures the band in full flow...a fantastic live album!
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
bah, 'twas a typo!

Haha. You are forgiven. Anyway, I've always said that if you like Radiohead you would love Porcupine Tree. It was kinda the opposite for me though. I didn't really listen to Radiohead a lot until I got some Porcupine Tree albums.