new to recording vocals


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
basically, i would like to know whatever can be known about achieving a good sounds about recording vocals on a budget of... broke. im working on the ep of my own band, which is heavy metal with hardcore influences, and our vocalist has a voice very similar to whitechapel meets acacia strain. i sorta know the basics of tracking vocals, but i would like any and all advise possible so i can get a nice, in your face sound!
If you have no budget for decent gear, at least get decent takes. Make them as good as can be. An EP with crap sound and crap takes won't do much for you.

Having said that, if you are on a budget then just make sure you track in a nice enough sounding room (not too dead/ dull) using a hand held vocal mic.
Vocals are soo easy to record if.... you have a great vocalist.


No but really, I record all of my heavy vocals with an sm57. It's much easier to control and it sits in the mix so much better, so don't worry about not having money for a bunch of mics. You can create a kick ass demo with a little knowledge and a single sm57. :rock:

I'm a n00b here, but compression is your friend on vocals. Slam the hell out of the vocals. Also a saturation plugin can help a lot. If you are on PC, there are a few saturation plugins the only one I remember being ferox. Set up a vocal delay buss with like a delay panned left and a nother delay with a different tempo to the right. Like I usually have readelay with 2 taps. One panned hard left (a half note) and one panned hard right (3 quarter notes). Then send your vocal to the buss and then turn down the buss track a lot. You only want to hear the delay if the vocal was solo'd.
thanks for the help so far guys. what im workin with so far is just an e835 going into my line in, because the usb interface i have is working for some reason >:[ i ghetto rigged a pop filter and put it on a stand in my closet, which has some pretty good acoustics. my buddy has a few sm57s and 58s (though im sure its the 57 ill stick to), am i gonna wanna put that on the stand behind the pop filter or should that be handheld? i dont know much about compression. i mean do id, but i dont. and what is saturation and what does it do? (i like to get to know the effects before i apply them).

again thanks so much and keep 'em coming!
totally go for getting a great performance, make sure the vocalist is relaxed, comfortable, warmed up, has great conviction and is really doing it the best they can.

this is truly key! +1

if you do not have great delivery in the tracking process, the result will ultimately become a more effort intensive editing process.

this will obviously behoove the both of you (engineer & performer).