New To The Board

Savage Pumpkin

AKA Mr. Future World
Sep 6, 2008
Skokie, IL
I thought since I saw another poster do the same that I would introduce myself. My name is Ray and I stumbled on this forum by accident. I had heard of ProgPower in years past and now am very excited to hear next years lineup. I am new to the midwest, having moved from Idaho 1 year ago. Now that I have discovered a store in Chicago called Metal Haven my metal taste buds are being more quenched. Obviously by my Avatar and name I am a huge Helloween fan (power metal in general). So I hope to be on this board quite often. Cheers!

Welcome Ray! I hail from the West burbs of Chicago.
I used to live walking distance to the old METAL HAVEN location.

I take it you will be at the Pearl Room on Sept 27th for Helloween.

The Sunday before is Sigh / Novembers Doom at the Pearl Room, if you groove to that sort of thing
Welcome Ray! I hail from the West burbs of Chicago.
I used to live walking distance to the old METAL HAVEN location.

I take it you will be at the Pearl Room on Sept 27th for Helloween.

The Sunday before is Sigh / Novembers Doom at the Pearl Room, if you groove to that sort of thing

Oh yes I bought the VIP tickets for Helloween/ Gamma Ray show. Probably the only show I will do that for as they are my #1 and #2 groups of all time.

THE ALIENS HAVE LANDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH GOD!!!!!!! THERE are more J-Dubyas!!!!!! Just kidding, the world would be a better place if there were. And Welcome Ray, J-Man here.

We're everywhere, just like Elvis...From the East Coast to the West coast and all points in between.... :Smokedev:

The good news is, I'm the black sheep of the family, and I haven't reproduced, at least as far as I know of....:lol: