New tones using Catharsis Ryan's Impulses

Sounds awesome... what guitar/pickups?

think you could upload just a tiny clip of just a guitar track so I could make a curveeq match file for it? hah


I couldn't resist trying out your EQing with my blackmore. I didn't know your gain setting but I got it pretty close I think.

Man that sounds awesome. Would love to hear it in a mix.

As for settings.

Cali Diamond Plate model with the tube overdrive pedal

Gain: 10

Bass: 5

Mids: 7

Treble: 7

Pres: 10

this is for POD of course so you have to run the settings way differently than a regular amp.
Really good tone! And the song was... awesome!

Very nice mixing. I love the panning synth and the outro with the really low ambient lead guitar. Only negative thing would be that the kick is a little bit to clicky and maybe a little bit loud (but that might just be the clicks fault I think that).

Anyway, really like it. Amazing song! :kickass: