I hate impulses (aka. my best mix ever)

Original mix is miles better! Don't try to change it up too much, IMO. Everything I liked about the original seems to be gone in the new one, haha.

Cheers dude, don't sweat it too much!
Yeah, that's a shame mainly because I need to really tame that 2k nasalness on the rhythm guitars in order to get the vocals to sit on top in any clear way. It's a bit of a battle, and part of the reason I did it.
Don't cheap out on a cab dude. The harley is apparently on par with my Dragon cab, and we both know how you feel about that.

The mix is sounding fine on this end, actually sounds like you got the guitars sitting a touch better too.
The thing is that I can't possibly crank out anything bigger than a 2x12 in here, so I have to look at it from the perspective of 'which option will have me bending over the least?'. Nothing is ideal here, man, it's all one major compromise.

Thanks for the comment!
Not really digging those guitars, they sound over-EQ'd (especially at 1;38 when there's no 'extra' guitars), and a bit quiet.. Are these really better than the amp'd tracks? They probably are if you've put this much time into working (and complaining about ;p) them.

Vocals are a touch too loud, and I'm not digging that intro scream, it sounds really out of place with the riff that follows it. The first scream I mean, not the 'yaow', that sounds good. The vocals themselves sound fucking BRUTAL though. Really awesome.

Cymbals a touch harsh?

It's amazing how much a mix changes my opinions. I thought this song was really bland and didn't flow very well when I first listened when you wanted reamps, but it sounds really nice now. Vocals help too, but the mix does a lot for the song, well done.
I agree with Morgoe, the vocals are too loud and it seems the leads are, too. The guitars and drums tend to get drowned by them. Apart from that - sounds great :rock:
Thanks guys.

I agree with you Morgoe and Shadow_Walker, but the band actually requested those changes! Louder leads and louder vox. I had the feeling that it was overboard too. We'll see if we can find a happy medium. It's funny because whenever I change the way the guitars sit the leads and vocals inherently sit differently. Sometimes too drowned out, sometimes too forward, but always so many changes that I lose track of what's what.

GH has just sent through one last run of real reamps so hopefully those can replace the impulse guitars in here. Praying they will anyway.

It's amazing how much a mix changes my opinions. I thought this song was really bland and didn't flow very well when I first listened when you wanted reamps, but it sounds really nice now. Vocals help too, but the mix does a lot for the song, well done.

I'm really glad you picked up on that, thanks. If anything I try to present the material in the best possible light, so the music becomes a little more exciting and endearing. These guys pretty much did it themselves with all the leads and vocals, but a little bit of production work and mixing helped things along a bit.
The thing is that I can't possibly crank out anything bigger than a 2x12 in here, so I have to look at it from the perspective of 'which option will have me bending over the least?'. Nothing is ideal here, man, it's all one major compromise.

Thanks for the comment!

If you're going for a 2x12, I would not recommend the Dragon cab. The 4x12 sounds so much better, and as you know, an Engl or Mesa sound so much better again.
If you must settle on a 2x12 I would recommend putting the Dragon up against the Engl and Mesa as the other two options are actually a larger enclosure, so they get away with only having two speakers. I know the Engl 2x12 is only about 20-30% smaller than the Dragon 4x12 and is made of denser wood.

As mentioned on the phone though, if you're up for reamping using Cubase and don't mind bringing some gear around (reamp, your choice of preamp, etc) my place is available for use on weekends. I have two 57s, so it's not like you'll have to pick up your own mics either.
Might be nice to have you come to my place more than once too.....
I'd be happy to man, but the mastering date is set on the 31st so I've really got no time to do it. This week is all mixing, and the weekend is when it has to be wrapped. Thanks so much for the offer though.
I'd choose Guitahack's for sure. They are noticeably thicker and less flat and fit just as well if not better :rock: Well done, GH!