Not really digging those guitars, they sound over-EQ'd (especially at 1;38 when there's no 'extra' guitars), and a bit quiet.. Are these really better than the amp'd tracks? They probably are if you've put this much time into working (and complaining about ;p) them.
Vocals are a touch too loud, and I'm not digging that intro scream, it sounds really out of place with the riff that follows it. The first scream I mean, not the 'yaow', that sounds good. The vocals themselves sound fucking BRUTAL though. Really awesome.
Cymbals a touch harsh?
It's amazing how much a mix changes my opinions. I thought this song was really bland and didn't flow very well when I first listened when you wanted reamps, but it sounds really nice now. Vocals help too, but the mix does a lot for the song, well done.