New USURPER sample online

Novembers Paul said:
This song is amazing. I can't wait hear this entire thing... Even though SOME friends were given a copy already... Dan... ahem...

Yeah I had brought a copy to the Napalm Death show for a friend. He woulnd up not being able to go to the show, so in a drunken stupor, I gave it to Mike LeGros. oops.
Novembers Paul said:
At least Mike isn't a pirate like me. Hahaha!

I made Mike swear that the disc wouldnt come within 15 feet of a computer. Its inevitable that it will be on some file sharing program before the official release. Earache has only sent promos to a few zines as of now. Terrorizer absolutely LOVES the album, and Cryptobeast will be the feature review in Metal Hammer UK in Jan.
The leak of the last album was ABSOLUTELY the fault of Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles mag. Oh well.