New Velvet Cacoon EP


Active Member
Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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So what do you all think of "How The Last Day Came And Stayed Then Faded Into Simulated Rain"? Its very different from any of their other material I've heard, folky lo-fi rock with lots of piano, violin and harmonica. Its a really beautiful song, especially the opening "movement". LVG has a suprisingly good voice too, reminds me of Cat Power.
My view is that they're just not bad, with the odd really cool song.


I am absolutely 100% fucking sick of Velvet Cacoon. I will explode and lock every thread on the board if you start discussing whether Genevieve is overrated or underrated, I will also hunt down and kill all involved. Uber-kvlt band on FMP ====> a trend of VC-fellatio to the point of madness ====> a trend of hatred for VC to the point of madness ====> LOTS AND LOTS OF FORUM-AIDS. STOP TALKING ABOUT VELVET CACOON. GET ON WITH YOUR LIVES.