New Video !!!

Originally posted by Harvester of Sorrow
I wish Alexi would write another news update. The one linked above was and always will be my favorite news posting.


Do you know what "arbeit macht frei" means! If not: Delete it! If you know: FUCK YOU! We germans use to make NO joke with that fucking crap, ok?
Originally posted by Thilo

Do you know what "arbeit macht frei" means! If not: Delete it! If you know: FUCK YOU! We germans use to make NO joke with that fucking crap, ok?

With the rise of Neo-Nazism in Germany recently I'm sure there are lots of fags over there who do.
doesn't it just mean "work makes you free"? I know it has a certain symbolism too, but that phrase seems to be just a statement of how the world works. if you dont work, you dont get money, and without money, you aren't free.

I gotta say, I find the original nazi's fascinating. I mean, on the instructions of a clever (but insane) dictator, they conquered a large amount of europe, and followed inhuman orders for genocide. It goes to show how easy it is to control a populace with clever politics. also, how even after the fall of nazi germany, we are all happy to be the "bitches" of the system. See bodomite's avatar? kermit is capitalism, the wealthy and the corporations.....the rest of us are the sorry looking blue thing:)
Originally posted by TheDean
doesn't it just mean "work makes you free"? I know it has a certain symbolism too, but that phrase seems to be just a statement of how the world works. if you dont work, you dont get money, and without money, you aren't free.

No, you are not right informed! This phrase you could find in the concentration camps! It was write down in the balks on the ceilings! In Germany this phrase stands for barbarism and inhumanity! So the interpretation you Did is for those who don't know what it mean!

Originally posted by TheDean

also, how even after the fall of nazi germany, we are all happy to be the "bitches" of the system.

WHO is happy to be the bitch of WICH system???:confused:
Originally posted by Thilo
No, you are not right informed! This phrase you could find in the concentration camps! It was write down in the balks on the ceilings! In Germany this phrase stands for barbarism and inhumanity! So the interpretation you Did is for those who don't know what it mean!

WHO is happy to be the bitch of WICH system???:confused:

"everybody" and "most systems", the governmental heirachy, 'capitalism' and so on. Although you could say I'm just bitter because I dont have a high-paying, low-workload job in management:)
Originally posted by Thilo
Are you from Germany?

I didn't mean to insult Germany or anything, but if thousands of anti-Israeli demostrators shouting Nazi phrases isn't Neo-Nazism, I don't know what is. (By the way their not Neo-Nazi because of the demonstrations, that just makes them liberal hippies, but because of the Nazi phrases). Yes, I know most Germans aren't proud of the Nazi past, and Germany now is a differnt country than that of the 1930s (socio-politically that is), but the Neo-Nazi demonstrations didn't seem to make the news before as often as they do now.

Germany :rock:
Nazis :Puke:
"With the rise of Neo-Nazism in Germany recently"

There is no rise of Neo-Nazism! If you would come from Germany you would know that! The German are very touchy with that theme! There are very sparse or few people wich are Nazis or Neo-Nazis! In Germany it is forbidden to say that "Hilter DIDN'T killed the jews! If you say "it is a lie", you could come in prison! In Germany it is forbidden to have flag with Nazi Symbols, for example the swastika (I hope this is the word in english, I had to look into a dictonary)! In the USA it is NOT forbidden! Don't understand me wrong, I have NO problems with the USA! I have NOTHING against the USA! In the USA are some laws that we germans can not understand! For example you could hang a shiled on your house with the inscription: "No blacks allowed" or "only for white"! In Germany this would be unthinkable! Since the second worldwar and the prosecution of the jews (generally genocide) the germans are very careful with that shit!
I know this is not the right place to talk about the shit Hitler (and the germans) have done, but there are many missunderstandings arround the world! My brother worked in many countries (USA, Mexico, Equador, Switzerland etc.) and some people asked him: "How is it in Germany with the Nazis or with Hitler? Are the germans all Nazis?"
You know what I'm talking about!?

Please correct me, if I said something wrong about the USA or wherever you come from!
Well, basically Thilo is right, but I think you should all just calm down. If some poor idiot thinks germans are automatically Nazis or that Hitler was still our chancelor (or what so fucking ever) it's OK by me. Most probably he's joking anyway, so what the fuck, if not, another what the fuck.
Dont get me wrong, Im not indifferent towards Nazis, those are sick and frustrated people attracted by simple answers, but really I dont see the point of that discussion here...
ah, 'nough said :)
alot fo people in the white house are dumb asses and fucking faggots that want people to carry guns thats why there are so many laws like that in the USA....
Originally posted by Northern Viking
but really I dont see the point of that discussion here...
ah, 'nough said :)

I think this discussion is important, its done, but it (was) is important! And I hate that the aspect that all arround the world people think germans are still nazis! They are no idiots: they are just NOT right informed! And when I talk to other guy here, I want to get sure that they know, that not evry gemran is a nazi! And when "Your god" says "with the rise of the Neo-Nazsim in GERMANY" I could throw up! :Puke:

Ok, i'll calm down! I forgot the name of the thread!