New Vile death metal recording mp3

Hey guys, Im up here talking shit a lot so I wanted to let you all hear a song from the new Vile album I just finished. Its a 256kbps Mp3. If you want 44.1 I can probably arrange it. Let me know what you think. Let me give some info.

All drums are replaced. My first tom replacement job and I used Drumagog 3. Not totally satisfied with them so I mixed them low! Jack gibson of Exodus plays bass and you can hear his signature sound on the second half of the song. On the first half, we were idiots and he tracked with the next pickup by accident. We didnt have time to re do it. So bass clank aint there till 1:45. Other songs dont have this problem. Guitars reamped with Mesa rectumfrier. Bass all direct through Calrecs and Amplitube plug in for distortion. Solo tone from a POD guitarport. Kick samples from a Ddrum 4, snare from an old Vile recording mixed with the trigger transducer tone. Used 414s on oh's through Pendulum tube pre. Vox - Neumann TLM 103, Avalon pre, distressor comp. 96 k throuhout, probably would have been just as good at 48k though. Recorded with Nuendo 3. This is my first computer recording. Mastered as I mixed down through an analog chain. Mixing in computer is a whole new world but I am now in love with the convenience!

Oh yeah, we werent able to record with a click/grid, so no snapping or anything like that could be done. Drummer started the songs to a click and then fell off after 20 seconds or so and winged it from there. Old school style! Would have been better with click but the guy is really good and so not that needed for tightness. But would have helped me a lot!

This sounds really good! Very clear sound. Great guitarwork.
I was wondering if anyone knows which snare sample is used? It sounds familiar.
I quess it's from Alesis drum module? I have a sample called "stereo piccalo snare.wav" which is sampled from Alesis D4 and it sounds very close to this Vile snare.
hey dude, this is some pretty good stuff !! i really love the part at 1:18 - 1:35. that riff kicks ass. and you made it with Nuendo 3 ? think it's pretty good then. makes me think of the band Nile. love the lead, don't love the tremolo bar in the lead. 9 but that's just my opinion cause almost all gret shredders do that) ..

good stuff !!
I like it a lot man, great tones and mix, though the kicks are definitely too clicky for me. But then again, perhaps that's entirely what you're going for, and if so, it fits perfectly.
vile_ator said:
Hey guys, Im up here talking shit a lot so I wanted to let you all hear a song from the new Vile album I just finished. Its a 256kbps Mp3. If you want 44.1 I can probably arrange it. Let me know what you think. Let me give some info.

All drums are replaced. My first tom replacement job and I used Drumagog 3. Not totally satisfied with them so I mixed them low! Jack gibson of Exodus plays bass and you can hear his signature sound on the second half of the song. On the first half, we were idiots and he tracked with the next pickup by accident. We didnt have time to re do it. So bass clank aint there till 1:45. Other songs dont have this problem. Guitars reamped with Mesa rectumfrier. Bass all direct through Calrecs and Amplitube plug in for distortion. Solo tone from a POD guitarport. Kick samples from a Ddrum 4, snare from an old Vile recording mixed with the trigger transducer tone. Used 414s on oh's through Pendulum tube pre. Vox - Neumann TLM 103, Avalon pre, distressor comp. 96 k throuhout, probably would have been just as good at 48k though. Recorded with Nuendo 3. This is my first computer recording. Mastered as I mixed down through an analog chain. Mixing in computer is a whole new world but I am now in love with the convenience!

Oh yeah, we werent able to record with a click/grid, so no snapping or anything like that could be done. Drummer started the songs to a click and then fell off after 20 seconds or so and winged it from there. Old school style! Would have been better with click but the guy is really good and so not that needed for tightness. But would have helped me a lot!

Do you play on this album at all? Or just involved with the production side of things? :)
That sounds Killer Colin. Looking forward to seeing you guys later in the year. The mastering job you did on our CD came out very good. Thanks for all the help.

Hollow Point Syndicate
Yo. Yeah I also play guitar and write the music for Vile.

Also everyone says clicky bass drums huh? Maybe mp3 pushed them to the front a bit. But really they are less clicky than a lot of other releases in the genre. Its a fine line between note clarity and getting annoying at those speeds.

Yeah, I'm hoping it is the mp3, as I love the music and the tones. I've heard most of you guys' other stuff, and think it sounds great, and I expect this to be along the same lines as far as quality goes.
Nice one Colin, sounds very cool, I like that guitar sound!
EMG 81 in your Jackson, right?
I hope the rest of your new songs are sounding like that, too.
Only one problem left, my depopulate t-shirt is way to small :D
t_m_h said:
This sounds really good! Very clear sound. Great guitarwork.
I was wondering if anyone knows which snare sample is used? It sounds familiar.
I quess it's from Alesis drum module? I have a sample called "stereo piccalo snare.wav" which is sampled from Alesis D4 and it sounds very close to this Vile snare.

So what snare sample was used? Did you use 100% sample or sample and natural sound together?