New Vile death metal recording mp3

I realize this is an old thread, but I've been listening to the new Vile quite a bit lately (like 2 or 3 times a day) and I'm loving it.

So I'm curious more about the guitar chain. mics? cab? preamp? post-processing? It sounds to me like the preamp gain is pretty low, giving the guitars a clean but crushing sound...any front end stuff like a tubescreamer? string gauge and tuning?

I know all this crap has been beat to death everywhere about every band's rig, I've just been very curious about this album. vile_ator? still around?

I think I'm going to avoid reading the lyrics on the album since the politics are probably not going to agree with me ;) but the music is I'll keep listening :D
Ok, I hope this is right:
Guitars tuned to A# directly into a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier, I think Colin is endorsed by Basson Cabinets or something like that (can't remember the name) and played Ibanez 7 Strings or his old Jackson, no Tube Screamer of something like that in front of the amp, I think it's not "Colin's way".

Ok now that's all I know through Colin's forum :D
And I think the lyrics are written by Juan and not Colin.
Hehe... yeah, where is the snare sample at?! :rock:

sounds wicked, Colin... love the kick, comes through very clean, and not too upfront for me.. i do love my kicks loud, so this suits me just fine...

Killer recording, i would leave the kick like it is..
Colin may be practicing much right now!!! I know they're with Unique Leader now and are planning a tour with Deeds Of Flesh and Decapitated. Hey Colin how's Marco coming along?:rock:
Kenny Lee said:
Colin may be practicing much right now!!! I know they're with Unique Leader now and are planning a tour with Deeds Of Flesh and Decapitated. Hey Colin how's Marco coming along?:rock:
holy shit if that tour comes to Minneapolis I'm going to crap my pants three times before I have a chance to shower.

decapitated is one of my top 3 live deathmetal bands (including At The Gates, RIP)..and Vile is one of my top 5.

Listening to your recording here.. using nuendo 2.2, it gives me some fresh hope i could obtain such a sound with the same tools as well.. (minus a real drum kit, your samples, and a decent guitarrig.. )

But i was wondering.. without giving away anything important to you, or giving away secrets, could you go a bit deeper into what you did to get this sound/mix?

Is it mastered?

What plugins did you use? (again, not asking for settings here.. it will never work decent on anyone's mix besides yours)
just curious what you use in combination with nuendo... do you use a lot of plugins?

Thanks man.. keep it up!