New Vintersorg

I like it very much, but still I don't think it is quite as good as the previous albums. They are, of course, also true masterpieces :)

I miss a bit aggression and speed on the album.. but maybe that is just me.

Another thing .. I fell for "Til Fjälls" and "Cosmic Genesis" the first time I heard these albums. It took 8 or 9 times before I really learned to appreciate "Visions..". That is of course not necessarily a bad thing, but stull a bit peculiar.
I think it is a masterpiece. Not my favorite album of all time but VERY original, well written, well played, and well produced.
Originally posted by FailingAcension
I think it is a masterpiece. Not my favorite album of all time but VERY original, well written, well played, and well produced.

TRUE! that's my opinion too...
Sweden-Norway-United States . Excellent album indeed.
the 3 countries that i wrote , is for the nationalities of all the band.