New Wave of Swedish NuMetal!

Seriously. In the past couple of weeks, I've seen two videos from Amon Amarth (one of them twice), one from Nile, and ads for really expensive and bitchin lookin videos from Behemoth and Dark Tranquillity.
heh. none of the bands were even good to begin with. "chainheart machine" was alright but all IF albums and every soilwork album after that one is utter shit. saw IF live opening for Judas Priest a couple of days ago. anders fridens vocals blow 50 simultaneus cocks.
yeah, well, it is not such a NEW wave...bands such like "GARDENIAN" had already crafted that NU-sound in releases like "soulburner" and "sindustries"'s only that they were not that popular...
and well, this is their new style of music...obviously is much more simpler and melodic than before...but give them a chance...
i remember when every single track from a IF or SOILWORK album used to rock...i really miss that though...