"New Metal" = "NuMetal" ?


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2002
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hi everybody!

you my find this question ridiculous, but i need toproove this to some other messageboard-community... so please do me this favor and commend on this:

which of the following statements is correct?

a) "New Metal" and "NuMetal" mean one and the same thing (bands like Linking Park, Limp Bizkit, etc...); "NuMetal" is just a more "trendy" spelling.

b) these two terms have different meanings: "NuMetal" means bands like those mentioned above, whereas "New Metal" is a short form for "NWOBHM - New Wave Of British Heavy Metal", meaning bands like Iron Maiden.

Thank you! :grin:
c) I've never seen the term "new metal" used, but if it ever was, I bet it's by someone who'd heard someone say "nu-metal" and didn't know how to spell it "properly."
"New metal" is surely "metal that's just come out". "NWOBHM" is certainly a genre, but I've never heard anyone call it "new metal". You're correct that Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit fit into the 'nu metal' category, also known as 'mallcore'.
nu-metal, to the best of my knowledge, is the modern trendy stuff that comes out with use of synthesizors somtimes and very offten chunky riffing with little technicality, its just the watered down shit you hear on the radio, new metal would just be like recent material from any genre.
"Nu-metal," whatever that is, OWNS.

And I hate the word "mallcore." It actually angers me.

*punches pillow while listening to Slipknot*
Nu-metal is a genre of music, whereas "new metal" is just metal that has been released recently. I've never actually seen any one talk about "new metal" in that sense, but if I saw it spelled that way, I would assume it was some newbie referring to nu-metal. Neither your "a" nor your "b" answer is completely correct.
Guardian of Darkness said:
"New metal" is surely "metal that's just come out". "NWOBHM" is certainly a genre, but I've never heard anyone call it "new metal". You're correct that Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit fit into the 'nu metal' category, also known as 'mallcore'.

This sums it up quite well.
goddamn annonymous! nice cat! i fucking love fishin, but we aint got too much round here, if i wanna do some real fishin i gotta drive 2 hours to the beach or 2 or so hours(more maybe, idk) to santee SC and do some real cat fishin on the santee-cooper rivers, MUY bien.
"New metal" meaning "metal that's just come out" -
well i guess the point is, that this "term" is used differently in english-speaking countries an non-english speaking countries like mine, Germany. if we mean "metal that's just come out", we just say it in german, if we use the english word "new metal", it's a specail term, meaning a category of music...!
"New metal" meaning "metal that's just come out" -
well i guess the point is, that this "term" is used differently in english-speaking countries an non-english speaking countries like mine, Germany. if we mean "metal that's just come out", we just say it in german, if we use the english word "new metal", it's a specail term, meaning a category of music...!