

New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2011
Is anyone else disappointed at the way some of the really great metal acts have latched on to the new wave of "metal"?

For example, two of, IMHO, the best swedish metal bands, Soilwork and In Flames. How they have totally changed styles and are now metalcore. I know its been kind of a gradual change from from their early albums, but, damn! I'm beginning to think I'm one of the only people left who really does not like metalcore.
You say Disturbed, I say Slipknot!
You say the Cleveland Show, I say American Dad!
You say Linkin Park, I say Limp Bizkit!
You say Chowder, I say Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?!
You say Mountain Dew Baja Fresh, I say Mountain Dew Code Red!
You say A Sense of Purpose, I say Clayman!
Some bands don't realize that their sound transforms into what should have been a side project..and maybe they should have changed their name. In Flames for example, is nothing "in flames" anymore, but they are flaming.
I've heard that the new In Flames is horrible. I thought A Sense Of Purpose was probably one of their better releases since Clayman, but I have still not listened to Sounds Of A Playground Fading. A friend of mine said that it's actually worse than the new Morbid Angel. What do fellow In Flames fans think?
I listened to a few songs from that new in flames album. It's okay for what it is (which is some "modern metal" kind of stuff), but it isnt going to be The Lunar Strain ever again, it just isnt.
I'm not sure what the guy is talking about when he is comparing Soilwork to In Flames. Of course their sound has changed, but the (Soilwork's) most recent album was an marked improvement over the previous two, and that apparently had to do with a certain member(s) leaving and returning.