
Know what this thread needs?

Some actual fucking melodic death metal.

But I'm not brutal enough, so I'll just mention some actual melodic death metal albums that people may not know about.

Paths Of Possession - Promises In Blood
Basically, very catchy songs alternating between really gothenburgy melodies and chunky riffing with the occasionally bit of dissonant riffing or brutality that reveals these guys are from the Florida death metal scene. Very catchy songs, if you don't mind Gothenburg.

Pandemonium - The Autumn Enigma
I think comparisons to Amorphis are unavoidable. I really like this album. It's not so catchy, but it has a good atmosphere and some really strong riffing pops up in the second half.

Kataklysm - Shadows And Dust
Most people will know Kataklysm, but given the hate they get people must not know about this album. Huge chunky riffs, blasting trem-picked sections, catchy choruses, and raw as fuck. Hamstrung by a production that in no way captures the badassery in full, but still excellent.

Gardenian - Soulburner
This album is like a melodic death metal version of Soundgarden - Superunknown. It's quite varied and pretty catchy but also pretty depressing.

Ebony Tears - Tortura Insomniae
Basically, TJR-era In Flames, but not as good.

Autumnblaze - DammerElbenTragodie
Gloomy melodic death metal with occasional clean vocals. After the first album these guys started playing a really gloomy, sparse style of rock (no distorted guitars). I like their album Mute Boy, Sad Girl more than this, but I felt that it deserved mention.

Hard to believe it's the same band, and only a year or two later:
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Allow me to make a stupid ass cooment like you would

Perhaps its because you have alot in common with her.Look below. Extra parts? Uncertain sexual gender? Incessant Rash? :erk:

Maybe you should be the one wondering about your gender since you can't handle death metal so you turn to Children of Bodom. Alexi Laiho might be your type, you know, he looks pretty feminine.
IntoPhagist, Avigrus

Give this band a listen.

I've know about them for several years, but have forgotten about them for quite some time. It was impossible to find the album, and i just put them aside.


Try and get past the "angsty" clean vocals, there not bad, but kinda odd.
Eucharist, i've heard that somewhere before but cannot remember where. I'll have to dig a little, and check them out.

I would suggest that you do dig them Probably one of my favorites from the genre. Awesome to say the least.