Hello all,
Have a look at This.
It's a new eq from Waves, allthough not a real one.
It works like a convolutionreverb like Altiverb or Pristinespace, it samples your outboard eqsettings or any eq you feed it via a sensekeyinput. You can tweak it realtime or load presets, and one outboard eq can 'feed' a whole bunch of QClones in your mix.
a Useful preset for this community could be something like "Andys_Metric_SonorRackTomEQ"
It works like this (from the Wavessite):
"Even the most well-equipped studios have a limited supply of outboard EQs, which limits the channels you can put them on. That limitation disappears with Q-Clone. Its like opening a closet and finding stacks and stacks (e.g. up to 24 instances of Q-Clone on a Mac G5 dual 2.5 with Pro Tools or 25 instances of Q-Clone on PC P4 3.6 with Pro Tools) of your favorite boxenough for every channel and more.
Put Q-Capture on an Aux track or dedicated audio track (depending on the DAW). Put Q-Clone on any of the other tracks that you want to process with your hardware EQ."
You can run the QClone in Cubase/Nuendo and a high-end RTAS/TDM eqplugin (Oxford,Metric) on another (small) machine and clone it's behaviour.
In Cubase/Nuendo you don't need 25 instances since you can freeze everything.
Another step closer to great sound on ye lowly homecomputer!
Have a look at This.
It's a new eq from Waves, allthough not a real one.
It works like a convolutionreverb like Altiverb or Pristinespace, it samples your outboard eqsettings or any eq you feed it via a sensekeyinput. You can tweak it realtime or load presets, and one outboard eq can 'feed' a whole bunch of QClones in your mix.
a Useful preset for this community could be something like "Andys_Metric_SonorRackTomEQ"

It works like this (from the Wavessite):
"Even the most well-equipped studios have a limited supply of outboard EQs, which limits the channels you can put them on. That limitation disappears with Q-Clone. Its like opening a closet and finding stacks and stacks (e.g. up to 24 instances of Q-Clone on a Mac G5 dual 2.5 with Pro Tools or 25 instances of Q-Clone on PC P4 3.6 with Pro Tools) of your favorite boxenough for every channel and more.
Put Q-Capture on an Aux track or dedicated audio track (depending on the DAW). Put Q-Clone on any of the other tracks that you want to process with your hardware EQ."
You can run the QClone in Cubase/Nuendo and a high-end RTAS/TDM eqplugin (Oxford,Metric) on another (small) machine and clone it's behaviour.
In Cubase/Nuendo you don't need 25 instances since you can freeze everything.
Another step closer to great sound on ye lowly homecomputer!