New Year's Eve, have a blazt everyone!


Language enthusiast
May 7, 2002
Utrecht, Netherlands
Hope you all have a good party tonight! Drink, but not too much, so you don't end up with your head over the toilet bowl! :yuk: :puke: Also, be careful with any fireworks!

I'll post pics of the party I'm going to here later.

A big hell yeah to you all! :headbang:
ill be seeing Neurosis ^_^

Haha, must have been sick.

I just hung out with my Girlfriend. Her parents were having an awkward drunken adult party, so we just hung out downstairs. :D:D

Figures though. Most dangerous night of the year to try driving home, and we had a brutal snow storm.

Happy 2008 to all.
Bad acid trip huh? Can't be watchin those horror movies on the stuff.
Shapeless, yes that's it. I arrived on the spot somewhat 10 minutes after the killing and now every day I go to work I have to walk past that grill and see the blood stains and the candles burning for that guy's memory. Well the situation could be worse, at least it wasn't me who got whacked there.