Newbie from Australia


New Metal Member
Nov 15, 2010
Hi All,
I'm a new fan of Theocracy from Melbourne Australia. I only came across Theocracy when I heard Laying the demon to rest on the local radio station and my immediate reaction was "WOW" I got to get my hands on Mirror of souls, so I got my copy in the mail yesterday and this album is just absolutely the best piece of metal I have ever heard. I'm a die hard ICED EARTH fan and this album ranks alongside my faves of IE if not surpasses them. I just cant believe its taken me this long to discover Theocracy.

I have never had an initial reaction to an album like I did yesterday. No shit, the hairs on the back of my neck spiked up, every song is just gold. In particular Mirror of Souls is just the best EPIC I have ever heard, the arrangement the flow, just executed to perfection.

When is new album coming out??????? I already cant wait.

And if the guys from the band read this, I hope one day you may make your way downunder for a few gigs. Australia has a massive HILLSONG community and no doubt you would attract many fans from them. I myself am a Christian but I dont really practice it like I should even tho Mum keeps on bangin onto me how I should go to Church every Sunday. Nevertheless your lyrics are unbelievable and not cheesy at all. Good on you Theocracy for creating an absolute masterpiece of metal. Far and away the best metal I have ever heard, if you can create something better than MOS for your next album then god help me, because I think I will drive my family crazy bangin it out 24/7.

Cheers to all the fellow Theocracy fans.:goggly: