Newbie here! Advice on mix


New Metal Member
Feb 12, 2011
1 Yet Mix 2.mp3

I'm really new, so go easy. I think my snare is a bit loud, as is the hi hat, but to me it sounds pretty good other wise. What do you all think? anything to change and make it better (i'm sure there are, my ears are not as developed as most here)

Thanks for everything guys!


EDIT: this is really nothing more than a demo.
Not too bad for a newbie. I'd say the snare was hit too hard by compression. The hihat sounds extremely fake, program it with an open hi hat sample, not closed! All I'd say is missing is the loudness factor, and it would be a very solid first song.
Not too bad for a newbie. I'd say the snare was hit too hard by compression. The hihat sounds extremely fake, program it with an open hi hat sample, not closed! All I'd say is missing is the loudness factor, and it would be a very solid first song.

I've been writing songs for a long time, I just really want them to sound professional. this is barely a passable demo.

yeah, I hate the hihat also. I haven't found a good hihat sample :( any good ideas? Too much comp on the snare I agree with, I will see what I can do!

Thanks man!
haha fuck. damn thats pretty awful. well, if you do find them, i'd need the drums as midi or separate audio (mono) tracks, guitars and bass separate mono as well. by the way, are the guitars and bass DI? cause i'd want them completely unprocessed.
Sure man, give me a few days to get some stuff down, I'd love to hear you mix stuff, you want all clean signal DI's for the guitars right?
oh cool cool. yea, i'd recommend getting cubase asap, although, i'd actually wait until cubase 6 fully comes out cause its supposed to be pretty awesome, but cubase 5 is awesome too. thats what i have. would you be able to write the drums in reaper, like on a midi map? cause that would be easier for me. if not it's cool, but i need a way to have the drums split individually to replace them (snare, kick, etc).
No, but I can render each individually if you'd like.

reaper actually isn't terrible. at least I like it, for what it is.