I'm new to this place, but I've been lurking around these forums for a bit now.
Since it's my first post, I guess it's just polite to introduce myself. I'm Josh, I live in Dubai, UAE(i noticed our mates "Nervecell" have their own forum here as well!
). I must say, this place is a pool of information that I could dive into, especially since I'm relatively new to this stuff and barely know anything other than what I've picked up from online sources and such.
Anyway, I recently bought Protools LE with the MBox2 Pro, and I'm trying to get some stuff recorded for my band Of Brutality and Grace. The only equipment I've got is a macbook pro, Logic 8, Pro tools L.E 7 and the mbox, so most of what I need to do is all software based. I recently recorded this, and it lacks a lot of "energy" and all sorts of other stuff I find.
Since I've got no Mic's, all the guitars were DI'd and run through Guitar Rig(I'm a drummer and know fuck all about guitar stuff, but I was aiming for arch enemy's Doomsday sound for the guitars), but that's about it with the guitars.
The drums is a funny story. I borrowed a bunch of microphones(a whole bunch of old sm58's and 3 sm81's) and a mixer, only to find that the mixer was fucked and it just hummed the whole way through, so I had to plug 2 microphones into my MBox. The kick drum sounded like shit, so I used Andy's kicks for that, and I layered my snare with andy's chimaira snare as well. I had to use 2 sm81's for overheads and 1 for the hi-hats. I've only got 2 but really shitty cymbals, so I'm thinking of replacing the crashes and the ride with samples or something. Anyway, I only recorded the hats and the snare simultaneously and the 2 overhead mics simultaneously as well. Every other drum was recorded individually, which was a pain in the ass to do if I may say so. I borrowed the microphones from a school, so they needed it by the next day, so the drums were pretty rushed and I had to make do with what I got, so it's a bit messy and you can hear cymbals randomly because I played them instinctively haha, but like I said, I had to make do with what I had.
So that's how that was recorded. I got it all on logic because protools crashes when I've got more than 5 tracks running for some odd reason, and also because I've got no plug ins on protools other than a few dynamics and verbs and delays and EQ...basic stuff really. I programmed the kicks, and saw this really neat video on youtube on and put andy's snare sample on there and mixed it up. I'm a total noob when it comes to recording and mixing and all that, and it's my first attempt at metal. I know I don't really fully grasp how this stuff works, but I'd love to learn more about this stuff, so any help would be greatly appreciated. But yeah, I'm not done with this thing yet and there are a few hiccups here and there.
Also, if you listen carefully, there's this Sine sweep thing I was messing what that I forgot to take off before I bounced, but I was wondering if anyone knew how it was done. I'm talking about that stuff Devin Townsend's always got on SYL's records, and I've noticed chimaira's got some of that going on in their latest release, that really dirty bass "bomb" as I like to call it ha. I've always been curious to know how that was accomplished.
Anyway, apologies for the long post, but I'd love to hear what you think of it, and what you could suggest.
tl;dr: need some critique and if possible, a few pointers for this
Since it's my first post, I guess it's just polite to introduce myself. I'm Josh, I live in Dubai, UAE(i noticed our mates "Nervecell" have their own forum here as well!

Anyway, I recently bought Protools LE with the MBox2 Pro, and I'm trying to get some stuff recorded for my band Of Brutality and Grace. The only equipment I've got is a macbook pro, Logic 8, Pro tools L.E 7 and the mbox, so most of what I need to do is all software based. I recently recorded this, and it lacks a lot of "energy" and all sorts of other stuff I find.
Since I've got no Mic's, all the guitars were DI'd and run through Guitar Rig(I'm a drummer and know fuck all about guitar stuff, but I was aiming for arch enemy's Doomsday sound for the guitars), but that's about it with the guitars.
The drums is a funny story. I borrowed a bunch of microphones(a whole bunch of old sm58's and 3 sm81's) and a mixer, only to find that the mixer was fucked and it just hummed the whole way through, so I had to plug 2 microphones into my MBox. The kick drum sounded like shit, so I used Andy's kicks for that, and I layered my snare with andy's chimaira snare as well. I had to use 2 sm81's for overheads and 1 for the hi-hats. I've only got 2 but really shitty cymbals, so I'm thinking of replacing the crashes and the ride with samples or something. Anyway, I only recorded the hats and the snare simultaneously and the 2 overhead mics simultaneously as well. Every other drum was recorded individually, which was a pain in the ass to do if I may say so. I borrowed the microphones from a school, so they needed it by the next day, so the drums were pretty rushed and I had to make do with what I got, so it's a bit messy and you can hear cymbals randomly because I played them instinctively haha, but like I said, I had to make do with what I had.
So that's how that was recorded. I got it all on logic because protools crashes when I've got more than 5 tracks running for some odd reason, and also because I've got no plug ins on protools other than a few dynamics and verbs and delays and EQ...basic stuff really. I programmed the kicks, and saw this really neat video on youtube on and put andy's snare sample on there and mixed it up. I'm a total noob when it comes to recording and mixing and all that, and it's my first attempt at metal. I know I don't really fully grasp how this stuff works, but I'd love to learn more about this stuff, so any help would be greatly appreciated. But yeah, I'm not done with this thing yet and there are a few hiccups here and there.
Also, if you listen carefully, there's this Sine sweep thing I was messing what that I forgot to take off before I bounced, but I was wondering if anyone knew how it was done. I'm talking about that stuff Devin Townsend's always got on SYL's records, and I've noticed chimaira's got some of that going on in their latest release, that really dirty bass "bomb" as I like to call it ha. I've always been curious to know how that was accomplished.
Anyway, apologies for the long post, but I'd love to hear what you think of it, and what you could suggest.
tl;dr: need some critique and if possible, a few pointers for this
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