News and bias

As a journalist, I can tell you that the worst bias in the media is not liberal or conservative--it's sensationalist.

Just look at the amount of time spent covering utter bullshit just because the American people are too stupid to care about things they should actually care about.

americans seem to be obsessed with tv shows/websites like

I fucking hate gossip news. My mom gets magazines with this type of junk. I don't care who Arod is going with, what happened to Micheal Jackson, what Kim Kardashian is eating.

i totally agree with you here (i wasn't really clear about that earlier)
True journalism can never be achieved by major news stations like FOX or CNN. If you want real news you need to read the paper and other reliable journals. There's too much money behind television. It serves the interests of its CEOs.

News television today is more akin to the ranting man from V For Vendetta than actual news.

The newspapers are owned by the same media conglomerates.
It depends who owns the stations and/or papers... the owners usually have a political agenda... like Rupert Murdoch... but for the most part the media does tend to report accurately non-political stuff like crimes committed, etc.

Me, i'm liberal politically but I like reading the NY Post which is owned by Murdoch. But i read it for the non-political stuff though occassionally i do read the political opinion columns and they tend to incense me... so much lies/BS in that section but then again it's Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin and a few others writing in that section.... it's actually more like a tabloid paper then anything else...
it's less about what is correctly reported (non-politically), and more about what is not reported.
I would say it's more about what is reported politically but by misinformation and blatant lies ala Fox "News".

I don't care if a media outlet is bias but I do care if they blatantly lie about what they "report".
The amount of anti-militia coverage from CNN firmly plants them in the pro-government bias category. "Left/Right Wing" is a destraction. It's all pro big government.
They have CNN playing on one of the TVs in the weight room at my gym, and "Rick's List" is usually on. That dude needs his smug face re-arranged tbqh.
Because Fox news is so much worse than CNN, MSNBC, etc. :rolleyes:
I can't speak for CNN because I don't watch it but i really do not see MSNBC blatantly lie... bias yes... lie outright, nope. If so then please show me/us. Fox is easy to show with the lies. Just Glenn Beck alone lies a mile a minute.
I already knew about that one but to tell you truth that was more like getting the story wrong unintentionally then blatantly lying to cause a story sensation... anyways any others?
The camera angle (just a partial shot of the weapon and not the carrier) followed by tying the incident to white racism was blatant lying.

I don't have time to youtube every Keith Olbermann lie, but he is just as bad as O'Reilly, or Beck, or any idiot at FOXnews. MSNBC (not just Olbermann, but he is the easy target) spins and lies just as bad as the others.