News and bias

Well that wasnt what I was looking for anyhow, but how do you figure it was on purpose ?

I was more looking for if it was a real bad thing for environment, oil supplies, retail prices, no big deal, so what its OK, wont even know it happened in 5 years, we should or should not risk these deep water wells, ect.

I realize this is not a news worthy event to be discussing, theres more important shit...
Well obviously it's horrible for any part of the environment that the oil comes in contact with. The biggest fear now is that a hurricane could come along and take the oily water all over the place, as well as it getting into some of the ocean currents and traveling out of the gulf.
Well since none of us was there, one guess is as good as another. I am not suggesting any particular responsible party, just that the collapse was not due to an accident.

Oh I see. I never knew that if nobody sees an event occur, then every explanation of it is equally plausible. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I suspect its a giant military cover-up, underwater torpedo testing out of Pensicola caused it... I just know it cause no one was there to prove me wrong.
Oh I see. I never knew that if nobody sees an event occur, then every explanation of it is equally plausible. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Nice try. Explain why it's not possible it was sabotaged/destroyed.

Edit: At razor: When you have as much money/technology invested into something like this, the odds that there was an "oops" is much lower than the odds it was caused by a deliberate action on someone's part.

Just like when those nukes "accidently" were flown over the US. That story was 100% bullshit. There are way to many safeguards on nukes for that to happen by accident.
How about newspaper too? They can lie and be bias too. In fact quite bit of them are owned by Rupert Murdoch who owned Faux News. What do you people think about newspapers for fair and balanced news? I see UK news like the Sun and News Of The World as junk.
The point of the news is you get the story that an event happened and from there you can just imagine what happened, first you realise some fucked up human assholes were involved, then you know things got fucked up, then you know the results, end of story. Then you wait another day for the next dramatic human event. None of it matters what side of the bias they are on a event happened and we all know why.
I wasn't aware that every news-story had to have bias (although obviously in the first story we did not get the 18 year olds probably laughable/angering side of the story).

As far as Japan being a member of globalism, the bias would be not pointing out that globalism is bad.
who wants the little bitchs story, I've been there and as far as Im concerned when the cops showed up they should have slapped her ass too and told her to do her homework and show some respect next time.

The point is Japan is not global whatsoever, only where they can implant markets and factories, otherwise they are closed door, like any smart country should be... HOWEVER there should be no amnesty in any country, nor countries with untouchable bank accounts, thats what our military is for. Wanna reduce the debt ? Give me the military for a few months, Swiss banks, Cayman Island banks... gonna make you pout, off shore accounts are hereby closed. If they want to do global we'll do global, equal for equal. Dont want to return kids and lock up a father, well we'll see, lets throw the leader of Japan in a cell for a few weeks and mentally fuck him over, sounds fair, I volunteer for the job.
Why should there be no banks with untouchable bank accounts? People with ideas about how to use the military like yours is one of the reasons I got out. I won't be used as a contract bully.
:lol: Its radical I know, that is the point of why I say such things. See theres all kinds of usery and bullying and that money stacked up in those banks got there by useing American workers, evaporating pension and other retirement funds and "bullying" investments, selling off our manufacturing base and job resources, tax evasion and you tell me what I left out... so thereby frankly I see it as only fair game.

I still believe there are traitors and they are amoungst the wealthiest people in our country, traitors should still be hung for treason. You take something away from an American citizen and you engaged in an act of treason. Seems simple enough to me, fireing squad, public lynchings, bastille, racked, piked/tared and feathered, a multitude of ways to deal with traitors.

Then we see how the next smart man that steps up to the plate as a so called "leader" acts.
Its white collar crime and they have lots of em, perfectly legal and no body knows a thing until its all vanished.

Come on it really wouldnt hurt to kill just a few... to see how they act, maybe a stake burning... the real white meat....
Now that is biased because not all news snippets are innaccurate. To say all are is totally inaccurate in itself.

i didn't mean to say that ALL of those 30-second news snippets are inacurate,
what i meant to say was that when they are innacurate, we (americans) are too lazy to notice because we instantly accept it as accurate and our attention moves on to whatever is going on after the 30-second news snippet is over
i didn't mean to say that ALL of those 30-second news snippets are inacurate,
what i meant to say was that when they are innacurate, we (americans) are too lazy to notice because we instantly accept it as accurate and our attention moves on to whatever is going on after the 30-second news snippet is over

Thats not it at all, people are tired, nothing shocks them, nothing surprises them, life has become a hectic hasstle and even with all that people draw their own conclusions, which are usually those that apply best to their personal agenda.


"Immigrants afford me cheap daycare, house cleaning and they say makes my food less expensive... immigrants are good"

"I cant find a job let alone one that pays enough to pay all my bills... immigrants are bad"

"importing foreign products make my life cheaper, globalism is great"

"I cant find a job, they have closed all the manufacturing and production base in my country... globalism sucks"
Ironically, all options offered are not good sources for more than bits and pieces of twisted fact and loads of biased blithering bullshit.

How about newspaper too? They can lie and be bias too. In fact quite bit of them are owned by Rupert Murdoch who owned Faux News. What do you people think about newspapers for fair and balanced news? I see UK news like the Sun and News Of The World as junk.
Let's put it this way:

After you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, however improbable must be the truth.