TV news: good or bad?

What do you consider the best form of news media?

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where do you guys get the news then?

When news becomes history, it becomes relevant. Otherwise it is useless, except as entertainment, or if it directly relates to you. Basically, I get my news by reading books on semi-modern events, and reading reports online about vitally important events. The only meaningful thing that can be drawn from news is insight into how meaningless media is (hence the modern world, as media is a reflection of the world), and this can be easily drawn from the ambient information that living in the world constantly grants, without actually watching news.
Also, more theoretically speaking, if a democracy is to work, then those participating in the democracy need to be informed about the policies/politicians they are expected to vote upon. Regular reporting on national/global events is an integral part of any democratic process.

This is a rather obvious problem, as a key component of [modern] "democracy" is [corporate] capitalism, and capitalism infallibly prevents news from being accurate. Democracy can't work - simple. It can facade as working for a short period of time, nothing more.
where do you guys get the news then?

Before the internet I was a voracious newspaper reader. I eventually got less and less from the exercise, however. Honestly, now I seek out news that is uniquely important to me online(at sites I find to be reliable, independant and straight-forward)or will occasionally peruse a local rag to keep abreast of hometown goings-on and the like. Beyond that I think infoterror has it about right...and I rarely if ever feel uninformed or at loss to dicuss matters of any real worth or relevance.
I do watch tv news for the weather and such, but pay relatively little attention to much else.
Of course, im probably stating the obvious, but the news is crucial in informing the public of government policy, business, politics, events, opinions/arguments, and of course the cultural aspects. How else am i supposed to know whose running for mayor if i dont read the paper? Or if the economy is in a downturn? Or if i should spend that 12 bucks to go see spider man? I can get through a good classy newspaper in a half hour and get a good summary of what is happening so i dont act like an idiot when i need to go out in public.

I got a good recipe for stew the other day,in my local paper, it was great. I also found out that tony blair was gonna retire, asking the question who will take his place, and furthermore, how will this change policies in the world and therefore influence me. If you are easily influenced and believe everything you read, then i dont suggest you read anything, there are good daycares that handle people of that stupidity, but for those of us who need to learn about the world and can handle a little bias, often a newspaper is the best way.
Politics has been forced to rely on simulations of the people as a substitute. Thus, the media reports to us through newscasts what Americans, Britons, Germans, etc. are thinking. The masses that do exist are not engaged but simulated or at best probed by the technology of social science: “No Longer being under the reign of will or representation, it falls under the province of diagnosis, or divination, pure and simple – whence the universal reign of information and statistics”. No longer a participating subject, the masses are simulated for the political class to engage with through the media and probed for some sign of their desires, hopes, and fears by social scientists.

From Jean Baudrillard.
Lol:lol: I actually have to have a "news fix" every day just a quick round up to see whats been going on, mainly from the tv Sky news here in the U.K, and also the newspaper. I would feel a bit dense if I didnt know briefly what was going on in the world, but beyond that I find it boring especially the papers and I usually turn to the horoscopes or fashion page:heh:
I got a good recipe for stew the other day,in my local paper, it was great. I also found out that tony blair was gonna retire, asking the question who will take his place, and furthermore, how will this change policies in the world and therefore influence me. If you are easily influenced and believe everything you read, then i dont suggest you read anything, there are good daycares that handle people of that stupidity, but for those of us who need to learn about the world and can handle a little bias, often a newspaper is the best way.

And if you knew none of this, would your life be changed in any important way?

If I missed all news this past week, what would change in my life?