Next Band to be announced, your thoughts.


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
I believe the next band to be announced will be eith the opener for Saturday, or the #2, and #3 for saturday, with the two #4 slots and headliners to be the last.
So my hope or thoughts about the next band to be announced is either CLOUDSCAPE in the #2 slot, or MACHINE MEN in the opener. Just my opinion, but i really would like to see OUTWORLD in that opener slot.:rock:
I think the next band is probbaly going to be the opener or the #2 on Saturday, in which case I'm hoping for Mindflow, Thessera, or Venturia.
Brian, based on the fact that Mike from Cloudscape showed up out of the blue and listened to my Seismic show a few weeks ago, I'll agree with ya. :kickass:

He left not long before I played his Darkane request, though. :waah:
I'll echo the sentiments of those who mentioned Communic. Though I'm not a big fan (they just haven't clicked for me yet), I think they fit the bill perfectly and would be a nice addition.

Other bands that would make for good openers or two slot bands:

Degree Absolute - not sure if they're a live act
Kiuas - a perfect fit for ProgPower
Order of Nine - maybe more of a pre-party band, but a band who would sell a lot of discs after their appearance
Persuader - a #2 band that would be a lock to go over well
Pharaoh - an opener who might finally get some of the credit they deserve if they played PP

I think it will be either slot 1 or 2 on Saturday night, leaving the BIG 4 slots for last just to torture us
Maybe one of these bands will be next (just wild guesses but...)

Thy Majesty (I Just like them. haven't heard the new singer yet though)
Dragonland (new album out and PP is a great place for US debut)
Cloudscape (alot of people guessing them, would be great)
Heed (though would prefer Daniel to go back where he belongs, LH)
Divinefire (new album out in november gonna kick ass. or should i say butt)
Astral Doors (Would be Awesome to see these guys)
Hibria (for pre party maybe, or sat. opener get the blood flowing with some kick ass metal)

Oh and then there is always Shadow Gallery :worship: they could be next. I've seen it in our future. Maybe not this year but i've heard a voice... if you build it (The best Festival In History) They will come (Shadow Gallery)
I say it every year... Sinergy.

Hopefully that new album actually shows up. Hopefully they aren't defunct or something at this point. Ugh.
I would like:

Mystic Prophecy
Communic (Waves of Visual Decay enough said)
After Forever (Reimagine = amazing)

I think one of those bands will get announced next except for maybe AF I think they would be a 4 spot and I agree with John that 4 and 5s will be last.
Well, I was right about a few things last week:

1) It was a power metal band
2) It was a band that hadn't played before.
3) It was a 60-minute slot.

I thought it would be Dionysus, but it was Virgin Steele.

So, what will be next? I figure the opening slot on Saturday. And I think it will be....

Well, I was right about a few things last week:

1) It was a power metal band
2) It was a band that hadn't played before.
3) It was a 60-minute slot.

I thought it would be Dionysus, but it was Virgin Steele.

So, what will be next? I figure the opening slot on Saturday. And I think it will be....


I would LOVE to see Divinefire. The new album is amazing.