NFL 2016

Honestly, I can't even see the ball in that shot. I can see an arm, but not the ball. I certainly wouldn't overturn the call on the field based on that shot and from the replays showed during the game, it looked like a TD from multiple angles.

Edit: Just rewatched the play like 10 times pausing frame by frame. It was super close, but I think he was in.
Idk. We really think the falcons stop the pats there?

No, they would have scored a TD no matter what. Brady's sneak is pretty good.

Fucking Patriots man. I've hated that team for so long that it's gotten to the point where I'm kinda tired of hating them, I'm almost indifferent to the whole situation now honestly. I'm happy for two things: the Mannings pretty much owned them in the playoffs and the SB and when the Pats are in the Super Bowl they at least make that shit entertaining.

Oh well, here's to 2017 everyone!
My gripe is with us not running the ball with what was it- 1 or 2 yards for a first down? Hell, kick a field goal on third down for all I care (Bryant is good for it even at that range). 31-28 win, at worst.
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I'm just happy that the Brady vs. Manning debate is over and Manning definitely lost.
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My gripe is with us not running the ball with what was it- 1 or 2 yards for a first down? Hell, kick a field goal on third down for all I care (Bryant is good for it even at that range). 31-28 win, at worst.

Yes. Terrible game management at the end. I still can't grasp how they failed to even get a field goal attempt after that Julio Jones catch...
Honestly, I can't even see the ball in that shot. I can see an arm, but not the ball. I certainly wouldn't overturn the call on the field based on that shot and from the replays showed during the game, it looked like a TD from multiple angles.

Edit: Just rewatched the play like 10 times pausing frame by frame. It was super close, but I think he was in.

That red circle clearly shows the ball. What the still frame doesnt show is the lunge forward, that from what ive seen put the ball just over the line before his knee was down. It did kind of surprise me that there was no focus on confirming the TD and it seemed to just be assumed he was in.

As Pats fan I was practically shitting myself when they were 25 points down, but by god did they pull off an epic 4th quarter comeback. Brady and the Pats are so damn clutch when they need to perform most. We wouldnt even have needed those 2 point conversions in the end if Gostkowski didnt fuck up what should have been a shoe in FG, god damn did he have a shitty season. Great game imo, though no doubt the Falcons mismanaged the second half.