NFL Thraxx


Locked & Loaded
Jan 7, 2004
Hey Thraxx,

I believe you deserve your own thread for that win yesterday!!! I hope you were there basking in all the glory of beating the best team in the NFL (According to some anyway) :lol:

Their special teams and defense looked great!! Just get ready for the excuses to fly far and fast as to how and why the NFL's best team got beat by Oakland.. They actually stand to put a winning streak together if they can beat the 0-5 Niners next week and I don't see why they can't.

Anyway bro, I can't play around on here as much as I used to, but I had to find the time to say I'm happy for you season ticket holders out there in Oakland, you guys deserved that win.

Don't hesitate to brag man, after 13 straight games of being beaten by the Chargers the Raiders showed more heart and played WAY more physical!!
Let's not get too carried away here. They got dominated by the Chargers in almost every aspect except for special teams which is responsible for yet another ridiculous Chargers loss. Rivers went for over 400 yards and we still lose. Pretty sick! None the less the Raiders got a W -that is all that matters at the end of the day..

I will be the first to give Thraxx props for his team beating the Chargers for the first time in 7 seasons.

It still makes me sick to my stomach. I'd rather lose a kidney than lose to the Raiders.

But Congrats on a W
Hello Everyone! Yes I was at yesterdays game and it was good to FINALLY Beat the Chargers. I do have to say when Cambell replaced BRUCE we thought is was over. But thanks to NFL Commish... Roger Godell we won..... 1 question we had was that last fumble a tuck rule call..... Since the Commish was at the game did he pull a few strings? See Oakland loses that game and forget anyone showing to anymore games this year but the diehards....... WOw Raiders Win Niners are 0-5 and the SF Giants beat Alanta...... NICE..... Next week is the Battle of the BAY Raiders @ the
Niners..... Niners 0 _ 6~~~~~~
Its all about ME....BABY ... ME!

Let not forget about my Lions thrashing of the Rams, yes the DETROIT LIONS. 44-6 fuck yeah, I'm so excited we should win some games this year.

"The Detroit Lions lost every single game of their season and people wanted to call them losers. How the fuck can you call somebody that went to their job everyday, and did it wrong and then drove home in a Bentley, a loser? Go to your job and let your boss say, 'You should do this.' Say, 'No.', and then live in a mansion. Now I’m not saying we should take the word, 'heroes' away from people like soldiers and firemen, but we do need to redesign it to include people that can basically say, 'Fuck you.', and still make millions of dollars." - Kyle Kinane

"The Detroit Lions lost every single game of their season and people wanted to call them losers. How the fuck can you call somebody that went to their job everyday, and did it wrong and then drove home in a Bentley, a loser? Go to your job and let your boss say, 'You should do this.' Say, 'No.', and then live in a mansion. Now I’m not saying we should take the word, 'heroes' away from people like soldiers and firemen, but we do need to redesign it to include people that can basically say, 'Fuck you.', and still make millions of dollars." - Kyle Kinane


59pts!! At Mile High!!! Absolutely INSANE!!! I mean wow!! Seeing that I'm reasonably speechless over this let me just say grats dude on two BIG division wins!! (2-0 in the division!!)

As for the Chargers game... There's really no reason for me to brag, no matter where they play if the Chargers lead the Pats by less than a TD or trail them for most of a game they just don't win.... Peroid. That and the other teams that have beaten them makes this win a not so big deal.. I actually feel bad for them, I mean they have a great, fast, hard hitting defense that does nothing but represent week in and week out , and a shit offense (- Rivers) that makes high school team mistakes (And most good HS teams don't even make the ones we saw yesterday)

I feel for them now with Tenn coming to town and with the Titans being one of the top 5 teams in the AFC it probably won't get any better next week either.

My Top 5 AFC teams to this point (Number not where I think they are any of the 5 could be #1)

1. Ravens
2. Jets (It tears the ass outta me to have to say that :cry:)
3. Titans
4. Patriots
5. Steelers (Despite yesterdays gift against Miami, I LOVE that "D"!!)
Tman......... Its was an unbelieveable game. I was in Denver on Monday.... the fans were hating me....thanks to the Patroits for beating the Chargers!
Tman......... Its was an unbelieveable game. I was in Denver on Monday.... the fans were hating me....thanks to the Patroits for beating the Chargers!

Congrats Thraxx. I was impressed. That is a buttload of I just hope the Cowgirls don't let me down tonight.....but I'm not holding my breath.o_O
Tman......... Its was an unbelieveable game. I was in Denver on Monday.... the fans were hating me....thanks to the Patroits for beating the Chargers!

As sick as it sounds I hate the Broncos just as much as the Raiders. I couldn't stand Jay Cutler, now that he is gone, I have found a nice disliking towards Josh McDaniels. I don't think I would ever say this, but I am glad they beat down on the Broncos.

My Chargers are kicking me in the balls every week. Congrats to the Raiders, very good win for them
As sick as it sounds I hate the Broncos just as much as the Raiders.
That sounds perfectly normal to me bro, I HATE every other team in the AFC East and will only pull for them if the end result benefits the Pats

My Chargers are kicking me in the balls every week. Congrats to the Raiders, very good win for them
It should be obvious but if it bears repeating I'm NO Chargers fan!!! That being said even people who hate them have to realize that they are way too good to be this bad (if that makes sense) IMO the hole they have dug may be too deep for them to to turn it around this season, but with the heavy hitters they have on "D" they should be competitive in most games

P.S. Norv has got to go!! Get a coach with at least a small sign he's alive