This is a little belated due to some " life in general" issues,, when I first got it I was knee deep in the start of my bathroom renovation,, then the next week, the wife's mother went into the hospital so we dropped everything, an drove the 500 mi. to Ohio to go see her for a few days, then the day after we got back, I had a tooth ache that turned into an abscess and swelled my face up almost enough to make my right eye be closed,, it sucked and hurt like hell,, but now a week later and a shitload of antibiotics the swelling is almost all gone, and although I am still working on the bathroom, it is useable now, so I've had a little time to play it and tweak it and give it a pretty good work out,,,\
Here is my sick new Kick ass Doberman.

it's a take on a Warrior body, but with a few improvements for me. First off, it is half Mahogany and half Maple, but not liking to be part of the norm of the typical, Mahogany body and Maple top, I wanted something a little different, I wanted the Mahogany front and Maple back, But not the typical body with a cap,, I wanted full on Half and half, then the top and bottom arched, like an Arch Top but both ways.. kinda like the idea of an Ibanez "S" body type guitar. So as each piece started life as 1 inch thick, now it is just a fuzz under 2in. in the center and tapers off in all directions with the thinnest part being the rear horn at about 1/2in. and what I really wanted was an extreme angle to be shaved off the wrist area, so I wouldn't really feel any body there on my way to the bridge. John Nailed it,, it's perfect! I cannot explain how comfortable this body is
I absolutely hate the Vol. knob placement on most guitars, they get in my way, so I usually move them if I can, usually to a tone knob spot if it has one, so I asked for my Vol. knob to be back behind the trem as after having moved it there on my 90 USA bolted steel Warrior years ago, I have found that spot works good for me.
Another thing I hate on most guitars is the jack placement, especially on warriors. so I asked for it to be placed in the upper wing on the back as an experiment. This way, if the button placement falls around that area, the cord will either come out and go right under the strap to the ground, or if I am using a wireless, go right through the strap and up to the unit attached to the strap. if the rear button ends up lower, or on the back( as it usually does for me) I can always drill the jack cover plate( or make a new one) and use a regular output jack and a 90* plug and the cord will sit flush with the body.
It has a nice and comfy AANJ type of neck heel.
The neck is a maple neck with a scalloped Ebony fretboard, that John had already made me some time ago. I scalloped it and had it mounted to my Mirror body warrior that was in the last couple vids I did.
like this one..
I sent it back to him to use for this body, and he cut the heel down and re-shaped it for the AANJ heel, gave the backside a little shave, then refinished the
headstock to match the body + gave it a little stinger.The neck is special on its own too. When John made it for me I wanted a neck with NO radius,, Flat like a classical guitar. The floyd nut was machined to have no radius,, And I ordered 6 of the same number floyd saddles to retrofit on my trem so they would all be the same height and I wouldn't have to dick around with a bunch of shims to get the saddles all the same height.
So what I end up with is a classical feeling shreddy neck....Love it! now I have to get some new tuners to go on it.
It's also got a big bad ass brass block made by Bob Mann. this thing kicks all kinds of ass and you can really tell that it's there, it definitely make a difference.
On most of the pics is there is no rear strap button. It was not forgotten or anything,, I always specifically ask to not have this button set, as I like to set this one myself if at all possible, as I am funny about the particular angle the guitar sits at and I have a special strap made up that lets me find the perfect spot, so I only have to drill one hole. The best spot using this method was dead center behind the trem. but this being an "X" type body I always check the back of the guitar too, as I have found that(for Me) the top rear hole of a floyd plate is a more often than not, is a great place for a strap button. as I have a couple more options in this guitar I found that the top screw closest to the jack was dead on perfect for the angle I like the guitar to hang at , and has absolutely no neck dive. I have the button in the other top screw hole at the moment, because the extra Machine screw I have going through the button is 1/8 to long for the hole I want it in, but snugs up perfect in this one so I have to get the right length screw.

There are no wood screws in this guitar, everything that has a screw( neck too) has a metal insert and Machine screws. I like it. it's nice and neat, classy.
The Pup that's in it in most of the pictures is a Dimarzio Evo. I gave it a good running through and sounded real good, but just before it shipped to me, I had gotten a BKP Aftermath in Burnt Chrome that I knew would end up in there so I swapped them out, and yeah,, way better now, It's just a little more crunchy than the Aftermath in My Doberman DS7V, but I think I like it. The reason being is that the legs only let me tighten it down so far, I may have to flatten out the legs and re-drill the holes so I can get it lower, but I'm gonna leave it like it is for now and see how it grows on me, it's got a pretty Organic sound to it..( I know pretty overused term,, but it is what it is.)
The Stain is a blue candy and is the same on the front and back it's just the different wood takes it differently.
I'm really diggin it. It came out Beautiful and perfect.
The theme of this guitar is " A secret in plain sight" and there is a secret in it,,

When the light hits it just right, the "All Seeing Eye" jumps out at you.
John really nailed this to the T,, and is exactly what I wanted it to be.
Out fugging standing!!!
I'm telling you If you want something killer made give John at Doberman Guitars a shout,, He'll make it happen, He is top fugging shelf boys,, I Swear, time and time again,, he can deliver the goods, He'll treat you right, and you wont be disappointed.
Now its time to jam a little.

This is a little belated due to some " life in general" issues,, when I first got it I was knee deep in the start of my bathroom renovation,, then the next week, the wife's mother went into the hospital so we dropped everything, an drove the 500 mi. to Ohio to go see her for a few days, then the day after we got back, I had a tooth ache that turned into an abscess and swelled my face up almost enough to make my right eye be closed,, it sucked and hurt like hell,, but now a week later and a shitload of antibiotics the swelling is almost all gone, and although I am still working on the bathroom, it is useable now, so I've had a little time to play it and tweak it and give it a pretty good work out,,,\
Here is my sick new Kick ass Doberman.

it's a take on a Warrior body, but with a few improvements for me. First off, it is half Mahogany and half Maple, but not liking to be part of the norm of the typical, Mahogany body and Maple top, I wanted something a little different, I wanted the Mahogany front and Maple back, But not the typical body with a cap,, I wanted full on Half and half, then the top and bottom arched, like an Arch Top but both ways.. kinda like the idea of an Ibanez "S" body type guitar. So as each piece started life as 1 inch thick, now it is just a fuzz under 2in. in the center and tapers off in all directions with the thinnest part being the rear horn at about 1/2in. and what I really wanted was an extreme angle to be shaved off the wrist area, so I wouldn't really feel any body there on my way to the bridge. John Nailed it,, it's perfect! I cannot explain how comfortable this body is
I absolutely hate the Vol. knob placement on most guitars, they get in my way, so I usually move them if I can, usually to a tone knob spot if it has one, so I asked for my Vol. knob to be back behind the trem as after having moved it there on my 90 USA bolted steel Warrior years ago, I have found that spot works good for me.
Another thing I hate on most guitars is the jack placement, especially on warriors. so I asked for it to be placed in the upper wing on the back as an experiment. This way, if the button placement falls around that area, the cord will either come out and go right under the strap to the ground, or if I am using a wireless, go right through the strap and up to the unit attached to the strap. if the rear button ends up lower, or on the back( as it usually does for me) I can always drill the jack cover plate( or make a new one) and use a regular output jack and a 90* plug and the cord will sit flush with the body.
It has a nice and comfy AANJ type of neck heel.
The neck is a maple neck with a scalloped Ebony fretboard, that John had already made me some time ago. I scalloped it and had it mounted to my Mirror body warrior that was in the last couple vids I did.
like this one..
I sent it back to him to use for this body, and he cut the heel down and re-shaped it for the AANJ heel, gave the backside a little shave, then refinished the
headstock to match the body + gave it a little stinger.The neck is special on its own too. When John made it for me I wanted a neck with NO radius,, Flat like a classical guitar. The floyd nut was machined to have no radius,, And I ordered 6 of the same number floyd saddles to retrofit on my trem so they would all be the same height and I wouldn't have to dick around with a bunch of shims to get the saddles all the same height.
So what I end up with is a classical feeling shreddy neck....Love it! now I have to get some new tuners to go on it.
It's also got a big bad ass brass block made by Bob Mann. this thing kicks all kinds of ass and you can really tell that it's there, it definitely make a difference.
On most of the pics is there is no rear strap button. It was not forgotten or anything,, I always specifically ask to not have this button set, as I like to set this one myself if at all possible, as I am funny about the particular angle the guitar sits at and I have a special strap made up that lets me find the perfect spot, so I only have to drill one hole. The best spot using this method was dead center behind the trem. but this being an "X" type body I always check the back of the guitar too, as I have found that(for Me) the top rear hole of a floyd plate is a more often than not, is a great place for a strap button. as I have a couple more options in this guitar I found that the top screw closest to the jack was dead on perfect for the angle I like the guitar to hang at , and has absolutely no neck dive. I have the button in the other top screw hole at the moment, because the extra Machine screw I have going through the button is 1/8 to long for the hole I want it in, but snugs up perfect in this one so I have to get the right length screw.

There are no wood screws in this guitar, everything that has a screw( neck too) has a metal insert and Machine screws. I like it. it's nice and neat, classy.
The Pup that's in it in most of the pictures is a Dimarzio Evo. I gave it a good running through and sounded real good, but just before it shipped to me, I had gotten a BKP Aftermath in Burnt Chrome that I knew would end up in there so I swapped them out, and yeah,, way better now, It's just a little more crunchy than the Aftermath in My Doberman DS7V, but I think I like it. The reason being is that the legs only let me tighten it down so far, I may have to flatten out the legs and re-drill the holes so I can get it lower, but I'm gonna leave it like it is for now and see how it grows on me, it's got a pretty Organic sound to it..( I know pretty overused term,, but it is what it is.)
The Stain is a blue candy and is the same on the front and back it's just the different wood takes it differently.
I'm really diggin it. It came out Beautiful and perfect.
The theme of this guitar is " A secret in plain sight" and there is a secret in it,,

When the light hits it just right, the "All Seeing Eye" jumps out at you.
John really nailed this to the T,, and is exactly what I wanted it to be.
Out fugging standing!!!
I'm telling you If you want something killer made give John at Doberman Guitars a shout,, He'll make it happen, He is top fugging shelf boys,, I Swear, time and time again,, he can deliver the goods, He'll treat you right, and you wont be disappointed.
Now its time to jam a little.