Nice keyboard for playing metal?

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New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2007
Hi everyone!

Well, I already have a Yamaha Tyros, and I really like it, but it's insanely heavy and I think it's a crap taking it every time to the rehearsals.

Since I have this problem, I've been looking for a light keyboard (less than 6-7 kg), so that I can take it to the rehearsals without breaking my spine, but I have some doubts:

I would play death/power/melodic metal, like Children of Bodom, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius... so I need a keyboard with strings, harpsichord, synthetic sounds for solos, grand piano (accoustic) and all the stuff that can be found in a normal melodic metal band. The sounds should be nice, I think it's the most important point besides the weight.

I was firstly interested in a keytar, but since it's so small (4 octaves) and it's difficult to play it with both hands, I think I should look for a different keyboard.

Can you recommend me something?

My budget is about 1000 € or so.

Thanks! :kickass:
I have posted this there too, but since this forum seems to be a lot more active, I guessed someone here could be keyboard player, so well, if someone here can help me too, I'd be really pleased.

Thanks a lot!
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