Nightingale TAB


The Band called ROCK
Nov 7, 2001
Molde, Norway
Anyone who knows where to find Nighingale-tabs?

I "know" most of the songs myself, but arent sure at all if I play them right. The Nightingale-stuff isn`t the easiest stuff to copy, although it`s pretty synthbased. Take the guitarparts in "Scarred For Life" for excample.. Took me some hours to make it sound like the original. Although I make my guitarplaying sound like the CD, I would like to check it up to some tabs.

So, if you know something about this, please reply to this.
The remix of "Remorse and regret" will be available thru my ( Tom Nouga ) site. It´s not up there yet but as soon as it is i´ll let you know. It´s free and it´s good !