Nightwish: One and only complaint.

and as far as Nightwish
IMO one of the 10 best sets I have seen at a ProgPower
wish I have grabbed the right batteries and not run out of juice to get pics..
Anette sounded phenomenal. Her voice was clear, loud, and her pitch was perfect. She's definitely matured as a singer since the first album. Her stage presence is much better as well.
Totally agree. I saw her several times on her first tour with them and she was on and off. She really had it together this time, imo. I thoroughly enjoyed both nights, though I will admit I'm a bit of a fangirl so somewhat biased. From the side the lights were not annoying, but I can see where people in the center would have been overwhelmed. Really, I thought this years festival had some of the best lighting of any of the others, overall.
The blinding lights. Third song, blinded for almost the entire time. Who thinks its a good idea to blind their audience? That's the moment they lost me.

Yep. I cannot for the life of me understand how an LD or a PD could think "Yeah, let's have these really bright lights shine out into the audience for most of the show! That'll work out perfectly!"
Guys, we're here to watch a band, not vice-versa. Please DON'T blind us, except when you want the audience to respond with cheering or fist-pumps or something. okthxbye

I thought the outro was very odd. It really felt like there was an encore coming since they left us standing there with the lights down and Imaginaerum playing for 5+ minutes. I've never been at a show that left the lights down for that long after the band left the stage if no encore was forthcoming.

Yeah, that was like taking the last bite of a really GREAT steak -- and crunching into gristle. Left a pretty bad aftertaste in quite a few mouths on Thursday, judging from the comments of people around me.

"Not with a bang, but a whimper."
First time seeing Nightwish (Thurs night show). I'd have to say the easiest job of anybody in the whole festival is the guitar player for Nightwish.....he doesn't get to do hardly anything.

I don't know a whole lot of this band, but I liked the new I enjoyed those songs. I don't really understand all the songs on the stools....kinda boring to me, but I s'pose if I knew more of the songs I'd have been into it more. I'm clueless on the Annette vs Tarja thing, but I wasn't really a fan of her stage presence at all...just strange and uncomfortable. She sings fine which I suppose is the main thing, but I thought Elize was way better overall regards performance. And Marco cracks me up....he's so cool.

I'll be seeing the show again in KC, really just because of Kamelot....but hoping for a better Nightwish show. I doubt it will happen as there will probably be only 50 people there...
Yeah, I was drawing a blank on the connection between Nightwish and AC/DC, but I assume it's the sound guys choice? Hey, just be glad it wasn't Nikki Minaj! Otherwise, the Nightwish show was great! Not as great as their inaugural gig out here in Lost Angeles earlier this year, as the sound system at the Gibson Theater is pretty amazing, but darn close. My only complaint - not enough from DPP... but hey, plenty of IMAGINARIUM, so that's good enough for me! :)
Totally agree. I saw her several times on her first tour with them and she was on and off. She really had it together this time, imo. .

I agree. I saw them last tour and they were not bad at all. But they were much better this time. I think a lot of that had to do with Annette's performance. She seemed to be more relaxed, confident and just overall having more fun than the show I saw before. I thought she sounded excellent.
I'll be seeing the show again in KC, really just because of Kamelot....but hoping for a better Nightwish show. I doubt it will happen as there will probably be only 50 people there...

Boy, was I wrong. I think the KC show last night was sold out.....big turnout. I had no idea Nightwish was that popular here in KC. Big sound, liked it a bit more this time...
Saw them on Thursday night at ProgPowerUSA, and I thought they sucked. The music is always great, but their singer has such a weak whiny voice it just disturbs me to no end.
This is definitely not the band that Tarja is no longer a part of
Saw them on Thursday night at ProgPowerUSA, and I thought they sucked. The music is always great, but their singer has such a weak whiny voice it just disturbs me to no end.
This is definitely not the band that Tarja is no longer a part of

I thought she sounded great performing songs from DPP and Imaginarium. Really enjoyed seeing them perform those songs. I also liked the acoustic version of Nemo they did.
There is alway going to be two Tarja and Pro Annette...I just cant get into her voice.
In saying that, a Nightwish show is still worthy of the price of admission, and the cd is always worth a listen or two.
Its just not the same nightwish
I'm in neither camp. I like both Nightwish eras.
They're different. I like them both for different reasons. I think I would have preferred a different voice from Annette's if I was choosing the new singer, though not a Tarja clone, but I have gotten used to it and she is performing a lot better and more consistently.
I'm in neither camp. I like both Nightwish eras.

That's me. Once I heard Imaginarium I was back on board. Love that album.

However, I don't enjoy hearing Anette do the Tarja-era material. I don't think her vocal abilities do it any justice. I simply don't enjoy hearing her do those songs. The only exception was the acoustic version of Nemo that they performed. Everything else made me wince.

Otherwise, I'm perfectly happy. Tarja's doing her own project, which I very much enjoy, and Nightwish has taken a direction with Anette that I also very much enjoy. All around, I, as a fan, win. :)
Boy, was I wrong. I think the KC show last night was sold out.....big turnout. I had no idea Nightwish was that popular here in KC. Big sound, liked it a bit more this time...

First of all - great meeting you!

And yes, this place was absolutely packed! I really went for Kamelot, but wow, Nightwish put on a show. Marco & Tuomas hung out for at least an hour after the show taking pictures, signing autographs and just hanging out.