Nightwish: One and only complaint.

That's me. Once I heard Imaginarium I was back on board. Love that album.

However, I don't enjoy hearing Anette do the Tarja-era material. I don't think her vocal abilities do it any justice. I simply don't enjoy hearing her do those songs. The only exception was the acoustic version of Nemo that they performed. Everything else made me wince.

Otherwise, I'm perfectly happy. Tarja's doing her own project, which I very much enjoy, and Nightwish has taken a direction with Anette that I also very much enjoy. All around, I, as a fan, win. :)

Sad part is that I miss a lot of the Tarja era. in fact over the last few weeks, when I am at work, i play Wishmaster, Oceanborn and Century Child nearly non-stop. I know Anette does not do those songs justice, but it would be nice to hear She is my Sin and Elvenpath done by Nightwish again. :cry:
A friend of mine went and saw Nightwish last night at the Ogden Theater in Denver, CO, and told me that Annette wasn't even there, because she had been hospitalized. Does anyone have any news on this?

Apparently Elize filled in as best she could.
From Nightwish's facebook:

We were in hell today. Vocalist in a hospital. Show about to be cancelled... But nobody gave up an inch. With the help from the ladies Elise and Alyssa from Kamelot we actually managed to pull of a relaxed and great show! The crowd doing the mass karaoke with the band playing was absolutely amazing. We were humbled and grateful at the same time. This is unity and help from friends and fans. Anette is already recovering thanks to the medical staff and whatever powers there exists. The shows will go on. We give our greatest respect to Alyssa, Elise and the crowd in Ogden Theatre, Denver. You rule!!!

From Amaranthe's facebook:

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Saw this clip of last night's Nightwish show in Denver posted on the Amaranthe Facebook page.

Then saw this message from Nightwish on their facebook page:

We were in hell today. Vocalist in a hospital. Show about to be cancelled... But nobody gave up an inch. With the help from the ladies Elize and Alissa from Kamelot we actually managed to pull of a relaxed and great show! The crowd doing the mass karaoke with the band playing was absolutely amazing. We were humbled and grateful at the same time. This is unity and help from friends and fans. Anette is already recovering thanks to the medical staff and whatever powers there exists. The shows will go on. We give our greatest respect to Alissa, Elize and the crowd in Ogden Theatre, Denver. You rule!!!

Best wishes to Anette to get well soon and super respects to Elize and Alyssa for stepping up like the true professionals they are!!!
A friend of mine went and saw Nightwish last night at the Ogden Theater in Denver, CO, and told me that Annette wasn't even there, because she had been hospitalized. Does anyone have any news on this?

Apparently Elize filled in as best she could.

Very odd, she seemed fine in Kansas City.

I do know that she "rushed" to her trailer post-concert in KC -- didn't see it, but that's what I was told by a few people working the show.
She really did a great job and looks like the crowd responded really well!

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Elize, I love you!
God, that was so nice to hear Nightwish again without wincing.
Get well Annette, but maybe its time to give it up for health reasons
NIGHTWISH frontwoman Anette Olzon believes it was a bad idea for the rest of her band to have used substitute singers for their show in Denver, Colorado after she was taken ill and had to be hospitalized.

KAMELOT backing singers Elize Ryd (also of AMARANTHE) and Alissa White-Gluz (also of THE AGONIST) stepped in for Anette this past Friday night (September 28) at the Ogden Theatre because Olzon was suffering from fever and vomiting and was forced to spend the night at a local hospital. The rest of NIGHTWISH stated about their decision to use stand-in vocalists for the gig, "We were in hell [on Friday]. [The] show [was] about to be canceled... But nobody gave up an inch. With the help from the ladies Elize and Alissa from KAMELOT, we actually managed to pull of a relaxed and great show! The crowd doing the mass karaoke with the band playing was absolutely amazing. We were humbled and grateful at the same time. This is unity and help from friends and fans."

Writing on her official blog, Olzon voiced her displeasure over the fact that NIGHTWISH played a concert without her, stating, "I was never asked if it was OK they used Elize and Alissa in the show [Friday] night. I don't think it's a good decision they made and I'm sorry for those of you who came to see the whole band but got something else. But I was very ill and this decision wasn't mine.'

She continued in a separate posting, "This is just music. Like life, sometimes we get ill and shows do get canceled. Rihanna wouldn't ask Britney Spears to sing for her if she was ill."

She concluded, "To think a show is more important than the humans in the band is, for me, so totally not in this world."

Well, it seems to me that the band is sick of the constant problems with Annette and decided that the show must go on...she doesn't like it because the other singers with little preparation made her look like an amateur
NIGHTWISH frontwoman Anette Olzon believes it was a bad idea for the rest of her band to have used substitute singers for their show in Denver, Colorado after she was taken ill and had to be hospitalized.

KAMELOT backing singers Elize Ryd (also of AMARANTHE) and Alissa White-Gluz (also of THE AGONIST) stepped in for Anette this past Friday night (September 28) at the Ogden Theatre because Olzon was suffering from fever and vomiting and was forced to spend the night at a local hospital. The rest of NIGHTWISH stated about their decision to use stand-in vocalists for the gig, "We were in hell [on Friday]. [The] show [was] about to be canceled... But nobody gave up an inch. With the help from the ladies Elize and Alissa from KAMELOT, we actually managed to pull of a relaxed and great show! The crowd doing the mass karaoke with the band playing was absolutely amazing. We were humbled and grateful at the same time. This is unity and help from friends and fans."

Writing on her official blog, Olzon voiced her displeasure over the fact that NIGHTWISH played a concert without her, stating, "I was never asked if it was OK they used Elize and Alissa in the show [Friday] night. I don't think it's a good decision they made and I'm sorry for those of you who came to see the whole band but got something else. But I was very ill and this decision wasn't mine.'

She continued in a separate posting, "This is just music. Like life, sometimes we get ill and shows do get canceled. Rihanna wouldn't ask Britney Spears to sing for her if she was ill."

She concluded, "To think a show is more important than the humans in the band is, for me, so totally not in this world."

Well, it seems to me that the band is sick of the constant problems with Annette and decided that the show must go on...she doesn't like it because the other singers with little preparation made her look like an amateur

Friendly enough when I talked to her, human being etc so I would never wish ill upon her. However, her body might not be cut out for the touring lifestyle, and as someone else mentioned it was good to listen to the songs live without tensing up and thinking "I hope she hits this note, or I'm going to feel awkward for her". Love the new CD, but I firmly believe that a metal band should be able to bring it live.