Nightwish Signing...


Dead By Xmas
Feb 5, 2003
this was the only disapointment of bloodstock..... the fact hundreds of people queued for hours... i even missed edguy and half of master plan for this, and masterplan were amazing what i saw...

first of all i ended up leaving masterplan early to get my oceanborn album signed, but they hadnt turned up yet.. so i go sumthing signed by dragonforce who had taken there place.... later i left 40mins early to get to the next nightwish signing after queuing for about 1 1/2 hours... we was told they would only sign a few more.... just missing out by about 5 people it fuckin sucked ass... we missed lots of good bands including saracen and edguy just to be told the band wudnt sign our stuff... they started at 6.30 wen they woz supposed to start secondly at 6.... and they only signed for half an hour... lazy bastards,
their show was immense, but that was tight as fuck.....
Apparantly they did actually start sometime just after six, but the majority of the signing session was taken up by members of the Rock Society.

We really should have been made aware of this on the day, as I too thought they didn't turn up until 6:40 until I was told otherwise on their message board.
They Couldnt Help It They Wasnt Lazy At All... What Happened Was They Got The Flighht To Birmingham Fine But The Airport Fucked Up The Flights And Put They Equiptment On The Wrong One, So They Had To Wait There For An Age... Then They Swapped With Dragon Force Whn They Got There, And Only Had Time For 30 Mins Signing As They Equiptment Finally Arrived At The Airport At 7pm, So They Had To Go Pick It Up And Then Get Back And Set It All Up Hence Why They Was On So Late! I Do Feel Bad For Ya Man But They Wasnt Bein Tight At All They Was Trying To Do The Best They Could...
it was all the little bitches on the rock society wanting their pictures taken with each combination of members.... every cd ep or woteva signed, then hug em for an hour, which left hundreds of fans disapointed :(
U Stupid Gimp, We Had The Same Thing As U Exept We Payed To Get In Early, Get Your Facts Straight B4 U Act, We Was All Queing Behind The Inner Door For 10 Mins, We Only Had 1 Thing Signed Each And Never Got To Take Any Fotos... Jus Like Every1 Else We Was Rushed Out, We Jus Payed To Be First In Line, And Only Got 1 Thing Signed And No Pictures, I Was Very First In Que So I Know This! We Had The Same Treatment As Every1, Wanna Blame Sum1 Blame Birmingham Airport!
fuking brummies.....
when i was in there for masterplan and dragonforce i was near the front, the first people in where being selfish... getting them to sign everything taking photo's with each one... im just going by what i saw dont get all crazy on me
Rock Society members paid their subs to get to the tfront of the queue. Having been there for the Edguy and Masterplan sessions have to say that we waited 'til everyone had signed before we took photos!
Signings are and always will be an issue at any festival. Even wacken has to cut the queues at some stage - imagine how many queue there with an audience of 30,000!!

We did our best on the day but this happened:

1. NW due to arrive 12 noon
2. Delayed till 2.30 due to gear not on their flight
3. Signing altered to 6pm (they may not have done one at all!)
4. Signing started 6.15 - ish due to security figuring out how to get them to the room with minimum clash with fans outside as they have to walk through the crowd.
5. RockSoc members pushed through quickly as poss!
6. Signing stopped at 7pm as gear arrived at the venue and needed to be checked etc for their set .......... so NW was pretty busy.

You can thank the UK courier services for non-delivery of Merchandise to the venue. It was all set up agreed etc but no show. Probably cos it was a Saturday, and they felt hard done by having worked Monday to Friday already !!!
Simple soloution, join the rock society, i just have. I'd rather pay 14 quid (or whatever it is) and get in first then have to wait for 4 hours to get something signed for free!

But, maybe you should try e-mailing nightwish and see if you send your album they'll sign it? (it usually takes them a few weeks to be honest though!)

Also, seeing as you all seem to know a lot about Nightwish...

What was the song with the big huge death metal vocals guy & Tarja in? as in, what's the song title?
I think when it comes to the signings, everyone needs to realise that for most of the bigger bands there will be hundreds of people wanting to get stuff signed and meet the band.

Next year, I'll have a bloodstock society pass, but I'll only get one thing signed by each band (Unless the queue is really, really short) and maybe get one photo taken.

I was mighty pissed off in 2002 when I didn't get to meet Kai Hansen and the rest of Gamma Ray. I wanted to get the poster from my boxed set signed and not being able to really annoyed me.

Next year the only thing I'm getting signed by Hammerfall is my limited edition "comic book" copy of Crimson Thunder.
epi5ode666 said:
this was the only disapointment of bloodstock..... the fact hundreds of people queued for hours... i even missed edguy and half of master plan for this, and masterplan were amazing what i saw...

first of all i ended up leaving masterplan early to get my oceanborn album signed, but they hadnt turned up yet.. so i go sumthing signed by dragonforce who had taken there place.... later i left 40mins early to get to the next nightwish signing after queuing for about 1 1/2 hours... we was told they would only sign a few more.... just missing out by about 5 people it fuckin sucked ass... we missed lots of good bands including saracen and edguy just to be told the band wudnt sign our stuff... they started at 6.30 wen they woz supposed to start secondly at 6.... and they only signed for half an hour... lazy bastards,
their show was immense, but that was tight as fuck.....

Know how you feel man. I was in the next group of people too and bought another Oceanborn CD as I forgot to bring something to get signed. I even bought Tarja a little doll too!! They should have told us to stop queueing once the queue reached a certain length. It totally sucked :(