My reason for not wanting bloodstock to diversify styles...


Reaper Incarnate
Jun 13, 2003
crowd reaction-

Mercury rain - crowd was not very warm but got louder by the end as this was the opener that can be forgiven... but overall friendly reaction.

dragonforce - the crowd got nicly hot at this point, plastic swords ahoy! friendly crowd still.

Saracen - crowd was warm and cold, quite mixed as there where alot of people who had heard their material, but they still got a good enough reaction to keep the crowd friendly.

masterplan - warmed up to hot, good reaction, loud and energetic friendly crowd reaction.

Ed Guy - very hot crowd, seemed to all be lovin every second ( i know not every1 did but the reaction of the majority is what rules here) the crowd friendly and into the show.

Paradise lost - start at a warmed up friendly crowd and as soon as they come on and play a few tracks the lead talks to the crowd, reaction totally reverse, dead crowd and those who where livly seemed very few and far between (was on the balcony watching and the crowd was dead) also the crowd got unfriendly and the majority of em where insultin the band and the band was bein unfriendly from the start anyway... the atmophere of the stock was dead for that set, bloody crap atmosphere actually, my fiances mate chris fell asleep he was that bored, n he was really energetic durin edguy... all in all, unfriendly bored crowd by the looks of it.

Nightwish - Back up to extremly hot... the majority of the crowd and even the balcony loved em and showed it :) very friendly crowd!

The only blotch in the reactions was in paradise lost, not so much because they are that awful, but because they never fitted it with the other bands and very few people where into it, bost ppl where there for the power and hair metal, not that.

hope that makes sence
makes some sence I suppose. Do you think Paradise Lost may have gone down better in the Darwin suite?, I thought they were out of there depth on the main stage.
PL were crap, simply bcos they hardsly moved and werent friendly to the adudience, WHY CAN NO ONE FUKIN SEE THT, THEY SUKED!!!!NO QUESTIONS, i liek there music but at tht show they sukled big time, ive never seena worse live band, simply cos they didnt move, compare em to edguy, the lead singer never stopped moving, the guitaists were loking at the audience all the time and were giveing \M/ to everyone, they were a nice band to watch, but PL were boring!!! id rather have listened to there studio recordigns than watch them there
What are you actually saying...I don't understand.

Maybe I'm retarded but the reason you don't want diversity is because you don't like Paradise Lost???

You are using the Crowd Reaction as an example, but that doesn't explain why diversity would be bad.

Please explain.

Because I enjoyed Paradise Lost, they are a Doom Metal band for crying out loud, what do you expect, cheesy grins from ear to ear, I thought that the attitude was part of the show, and I believe it added...because at the end of the day their show was memorable, a lot of people are talking about them in this forum.
Every band doesn't have to dance around like a monkey or wank off playing 1000 notes a minute to be good live. Saying they sucked end of story is ridiculous. Its your opinion, and thats fine. Mine was that they ruled, and SOUND great live. I mean, its great that most of the bands there were really lively, but so is Britney Spears live. Should the bands be doing a dance routine as well? I'm all for being entertained, but I like PL's music a lot and I thought they performed it very well.
It seems the point you were making was that if all the bands were the same (ie power metal) then the crowd would enjoy it more and so all bands should be power metal.

Is that right?

I also heard someone suggest that Black Metal and Death Metal would attract kids. I don't think this is fair.

If the right bands are playing then it doesn't matter. how many Kids will you see "Moshing" to Agalloch or Opeth.

Not many.

Variety is a good idea I think, I love power metal, but I love lots of other types of metal also Doom,Black,Death,Viking and Thrash.

I think the point should be that the right bands of each variety should be there, why settle for a decent Power Metal band when you could have a great Death Metal band.

May as well get this in...Immolation for '04 :hotjump:
Well, i agree the PL sucked. But i'm not a huge fan of 'doom metal' so that's why. I admit i'm biased and it's just my opinion.

But, i do disagree that black/death metal would invite kids... at least real black/death metal. I don't know many kids who know who Rakoth are, or even a rather large band like kataklysm.

But again, i'm biased, as i'm also a death & black metal fan.

1 thing i would say, Bloodstock should stay a mainly power metal festival. Afterall, it's the most real, true and metal of all genres. And you cannot possibly argue with that fact.

I'd say 98% of people go for the power metal.
Why does everyone think that Bloodstock is a Power Metal fest when only 1 in 4 bands are Power Metal?!

Maybe it's because Power Metal is such a diverse genre or maybe it's because the power metal bands blow everyone else away and are remembered for the right reasons ;)
agreed with eagle, i see power metal as power and hair, heavy metal stuff... i know it comes in many catagories and such but the point i was makin is the bloodstcok has a power metal feel, and therefor should stay that way and if you want black death and whatever go to another festival that provides black/death stuff... just bloodstock should stay to the truest ( as sed b4) kind of metal there is:)
ironeagle said:
agreed with eagle, i see power metal as power and hair, heavy metal stuff... i know it comes in many catagories and such but the point i was makin is the bloodstcok has a power metal feel, and therefor should stay that way and if you want black death and whatever go to another festival that provides black/death stuff... just bloodstock should stay to the truest ( as sed b4) kind of metal there is:)

So if I want to hear Black Metal and Death Metal I should go somewhere else because Bloodstock is for true metal only?

True Metal = Power Metal

Well, I learn something new everyday.
no im sayin that i think that bloodstock uis more a powermetal feel... and as paradise lost prooved, when the styles do i drastic change the crowd doesnt take it... im not slaggin off paradise lost on this one, everyone knows i dislike em but they woulda gone down better at a festival comprised of similar styles... but not when they where the only band to do a drastic style change...
If you lot gonna argue about silly childish case like this one write to the f**king ROCK SOCIETY or alternatively to Bloodstock.

I'm not a member cos I don't wanna join sad things like that.

I went this year because just to figure out what Bloodstock is like despite me disliking lot's of acts expect Saxon and Blaze.

I must say Paradise Lost went gay after Draconian Times. They should name them Talent Lost.

I wish I went last year '02 because of rich line ups. I mean Diamond Head blows.

Went to holiday in Holland instead... Very boring country... Too similar to UK.
god_king said:

I'm not a member cos I don't wanna join sad things like that.


So its sad to contribute money to a festival which is used to help pay for bands to come and play there, and its sad to get rewarded for this by getting free CD's etc from bands that are going to play and having the chance to get things signed without having to queue for hours.

Fuck me I must be a right sad twat then!