My Toronto Concert Review. and trivium got their circle pit.

dilema1362 u sound like a little goof .. to bad we didnt live closer together so i could make u regret talking shit . and ya i do think my pics are fuckin awesome .. there my best 1s yet and i have over 700 from different concerts. i posted them for people who like to see cool concert pics. and so what if i was trying to get some good feedback from them . and you are a little bitch . so stop writing to me and get a life , quit talking like ur actually someone .. dont forget ur just a little bitch who is jelous because u cant get any good pics because u wouldnt last the whole show up front, they would be pulling you outa there as soon as they see u crying .. jesus i hate trendy ass posers like u who sit on the computer all fuckin day jerking off to gay porn ..fuck you goof
Bebli said:
Yeah, I know how it feels! It's fucked up! It seems like ppl are so jealous from your work that their pride doesn't allow them to be honest on the evaluation.... But don't mind about that kind of ppl! They're just a bunch of jerks... :hypno:

Your pics are great! I thought u were a pro, until u cleared it up... :worship:
ya i understand 2 bebli some people do get kinda upset because they would never be able to take as good of pics as i do from inside the gates , let alone last up front from begining to the end of the show .. but oh well its not my fault there little bitches is it ?
Thats what I've been saying. Trivium put on a way better show then Amon Amarth. But fuck... I wanted to see that Dimebag Darrel tribute and they played KISSING THE SHADOWS!? Awww man... :Smug:
Grimes said:
Thats what I've been saying. Trivium put on a way better show then Amon Amarth. But fuck... I wanted to see that Dimebag Darrel tribute and they played KISSING THE SHADOWS!? Awww man... :Smug:

Yeah... sounds like we missed possibly the best show on the tour...
dilema1362 said:
i can assume you didnt have a photopass, or a good camera....which equals crappy photographer.
u dont know shit dilema1362 go back to being a little bitch
In Your Face said:
Yeah... sounds like we missed possibly the best show on the tour...
ya it was an awesome show !!!! i dont know if it was the best of the tour since i wasnt at any others other than the 2 in toronto .. but the 12th was the best ive seen bodom play out of the 3 times for sure ... and kissing the shadows kicks fuckin ass \m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/
hahahaha youre fuckin funny dude. ive backed you into a corner and you have nothing to say to support your case so you call me a fag and whatnot. this conversation is over.
ok .. conversation is over i just really honestly want to know what framing a picture well means ... i look at the pics that i took and i cant think of much more to better them .. if anyone has any tips for me to make my pics better please tell me .. i really want to send in all my best pics from concerts to somewhere and see what they say
dimebag420 said:
ok .. conversation is over i just really honestly want to know what framing a picture well means ... i look at the pics that i took and i cant think of much more to better them .. if anyone has any tips for me to make my pics better please tell me .. i really want to send in all my best pics from concerts to somewhere and see what they say

I'll admit that they are good pics, but you can also have a better attitude towards things. Like instead of exploding and trying to act all tough on this guy, just laugh at him, or ignore it all together. People won't keep talking if you just stop listening.

Anyways, enough of that, nice pics, wanna send me that one of alexxi you posted without the big writing on it :D Ill cred you for it :P