
I am actually surprised it took them this long too. There was all good things said about the last tour and how good she did. I guess they didn't want to rush into it and have something go wrong and have to look again. Smart planning on their part.
In this article on dated Oct 9. Marco Hietala reveals that the guys actually slipped their original plan to postpone the final decision until 2014. When they had a band meeting at Tuomas Holopainen's house last spring, they all voted to keep Floor and also add Troy to their ranks as permanent member.

When sitting in the lounge bar at Hotel Ilves in the aftermath of the Sauna Open Air festival gig on June 10. Floor and Troy were informed about the decision, but asked to keep silent until the right time to launch it in public.

This is great news. Wonder what Troy will do on stage when they play songs where he's not needed? He's going to be doing their laundry. :D
Well, while he is a multi-instrumentalist, he is probably capable to play washboard with two spoons, too, besides doing pro level card tricks and other magic illusions. :loco:

I'm really excited about this.... Saw them in Melbourne at the start of the year and she did a really good job of it! Also, great news on Troy getting a permanent gig with the band as well. Very happy with the current Nightwish lineup.
IMO, David Readman in PC69, Andi Deris in Helloween. Tomi Joutsen in Amorphis, and Tommy in Kamelot

Ted Leonard in Spock's Beard.

Personally, I was surprised it happened for Floor, since I expected egos to get in the way. It still might, but I have some hope.

I'm also happy Troy has a place in the band. I like what he brings to every band he works with.
I also like how you, and many others, have to jump in on something that didn't involve you to score brownie points. No smiley here.

Have you ever considered that a view held by the majority here doesn't have anything to do with me and everything to do with you?

Defend yourself without dragging me into it.
I am feeling the love here! Its wood inducing, like Arch' returen to Matheos, like Floor to Nightwish, like Annette back to obscurity...ummm...did I say that out loud?
Never was a fan of Annette, and live she was just boring to me. Tarja had a good stage presence, plus the added dimension of being first, and the band doing a fairly new thing back in the day... but bringing in Floor now is just a very smart decision. One thing I noticed at After Forever's soundcheck a few years back, was that she ran the band and didn't put up with any crapola. I think she's a quite strong chick, very smart, entering into a smart band. So this should be great. Hoping for good things for them...and looking forward to it. Yet another of many reasons for a PP 15 :kickass:
Poor Annette. I thought she did well when I saw Nightwish back in 2008/9.

The problem with Annette singing old songs was that she just didn't have the voice for it. Not her fault, really, and she did the best she could. However, I thought she did a great job on the two albums that were written for her. As good as Tarja is technically, she lacked the emotive power that Annette brought to the table. Credit to Tuomas for writing to his singer's strengths, because I think that if Tarja had sung "The Poet and the Pendulum" the song would have lost some of its impact. The reason I'm so excited about Floor is that she has both the technical range to match Tarja with Annette's ability to deliver the song with feeling. I'm pumped for an album that hasn't even been WRITTEN yet.