
I haven't felt this excited about this band in a really, really long time. This is pure Nightwish vocal perfection here:

Amazing! Is this video part of an official DVD release for this concert, or just a very nicely shot music video? I'd love to own a DVD from this show. Floor is an amazing, classically trained vocalist with a great track record. She's lived the life and knows what's demanded for her role... she won't be overwhelmed by it all. Absolutely the best possible choice, without question!
Amazing! Is this video part of an official DVD release for this concert, or just a very nicely shot music video? I'd love to own a DVD from this show. Floor is an amazing, classically trained vocalist with a great track record. She's lived the life and knows what's demanded for her role... she won't be overwhelmed by it all. Absolutely the best possible choice, without question!

They have a 3-disc BluRay/Dvd coming out soon. I believe that clip is from it. :)

And yes, best choice by far!
As much as I love Floor, I was just as excited about Troy getting the full time gig as well.

This. An excellent decision with both. I've been a fan of NW since the beginning mainly for the uniqueness and complexity of the music and the addition of these two will only continue to take them to new levels. So psyched to hear them live and see what's next. :hotjump:
The problem with Annette singing old songs was that she just didn't have the voice for it. Not her fault, really, and she did the best she could. However, I thought she did a great job on the two albums that were written for her. As good as Tarja is technically, she lacked the emotive power that Annette brought to the table. Credit to Tuomas for writing to his singer's strengths, because I think that if Tarja had sung "The Poet and the Pendulum" the song would have lost some of its impact. The reason I'm so excited about Floor is that she has both the technical range to match Tarja with Annette's ability to deliver the song with feeling. I'm pumped for an album that hasn't even been WRITTEN yet.

Could not have said it any better myself.
This is one of the best musical news I have ever seen. Big fan of Nightwish (they were my first metal concert ever, back in 2000 for the Wishmaster tour), and big Floor fan as well. Happy happy happy. Very smart decision on the band's part.

I am also very happy that Troy is now a full time member as well, this can lead to very interesting things for Nightwish.
Mike don't call Floor a "chick", you might offend some of the sensitive people in here. HA

It might be interesting to hear her with Nightwish, she is an awesome vocalist and it might make Nightwish tolerable again. I have a small interested in hearing the outcome of this but certainly wouldn't hold my breath. The last things from Floor and Nightwish just were not hitting on much; Nightwish became boring with Tarja, After Forever only had good vocals going for it lyrically it was like being forced through a chick flick, and Re-vamp well that was just pretty bad.
I see Floor like I do Russell Allen, I'm a fan of them and their vocals just can't get into the bands they are in.
Mike don't call Floor a "chick", you might offend some of the sensitive people in here. HA

It might be interesting to hear her with Nightwish, she is an awesome vocalist and it might make Nightwish tolerable again. I have a small interested in hearing the outcome of this but certainly wouldn't hold my breath. The last things from Floor and Nightwish just were not hitting on much; Nightwish became boring with Tarja, After Forever only had good vocals going for it lyrically it was like being forced through a chick flick, and Re-vamp well that was just pretty bad.
I see Floor like I do Russell Allen, I'm a fan of them and their vocals just can't get into the bands they are in.

Yes, but to be fair, you hate everything.
Now I have a reason to really enjoy the next Nightwish release.

I didn't mind Imaginarium, but it still didn't hit the sweet spot for me, especially in the vocal department.

However from all the tracks I did enjoy Slow, Love, Slow and The Crow, the Owl and the Dove the most.

Annette has a great soft voice, and I hope she'll still continue to do music.
Now I have a reason to really enjoy the next Nightwish release.

I didn't mind Imaginarium, but it still didn't hit the sweet spot for me, especially in the vocal department.

However from all the tracks I did enjoy Slow, Love, Slow and The Crow, the Owl and the Dove the most.

See, I felt Imaginarium was one of the most overrated albums in recent years, and it had nothing to do with her vocals; I just thought the songs were rather pedestrian with a couple standouts. Personally, I preferred Dark Passion Play a lot more.
Imaginaerum and Dark Passion Play are very different albums, which I appreciate, especially since I always enjoyed Annette's voice (I could get my opera metal fix elsewhere if need be)
Imaginaerum took a lot longer to grow on me, but it really grew on me.
Very excited to see where this goes!
I thought Imaginaerum was pretty good, and that Annette fit the music and mood of the album. The thing is, I was seriously bored by her in concert. I saw them 3 or 4 times after she joined the band, and not only was she never able to do the old songs any justice at all, she just didn't have much of a stage presence. I enjoy the rest of the band quite a bit, and have been down on the rail for a couple of the shows. I just could never see her fitting with the band though....seemed out of place.