Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines


Opeth fanboy
Feb 5, 2002
I also posted this at GameFAQs, but I figured I did enough work that it deserves being posted here =P

Artist: Nile
Album: In Their Darkened Shrines
Genre: Ithyphallic Death Metal
Running time: 58:45
Tracks: 12

This is easily one of the best death metal albums I've ever heard. Nile do an excellent job of combining Death Metal and Egyptian elements, and even a bit of prog in this album. Of course, this is still extremely brutal death metal. Almost every song is backed by inhumanly fast blasting. Every song is just brutal double bass ear rape. The guitars do an awesome job on top of the drumming, creating brutality and atmosphere. Lots of the songs have some high notes thrown in with the standard death metal chords, which really help create the atmosphere. The bass isn't really audible, but when it is, it's just standard plodding through mud death metal bass. But that's the mud of the Nile you're plodding through! The booklet credits 5(!) different vocalists, and you can definitely tell. The growls range from rather intelligible (With the lyric sheet) to gutteral ass-gargle word-like sounds. On the note of the lyrics, they're rather well written for Death Metal, dealing not only with gore! They're based on actual research done by members of the band (Mostly Sanders). The liner notes include full lyrics, and full lyrical explanation, which is awesome.

As for the individual songs, they all rock. Not one weak song, and every song actually manages to sound different (Though the first two kinda start with similar blasting). Especially of note are the songs Sarcophagus, which is a slow, plodding rise from the crypt through the sands of Egypt. It's pretty much doom metal, and the riffs are just absolutely crushingly heavy and killer. Unas, Slayer of the Gods, the 11 minute long epic of Death Metal proportions, is amazing. Starting off with an Egyptian guitar, going into a surprisingly melodic blast+vocals, slowing down, speeding up, etc. About halfway through a horn comes in and creates incredibly thick atmosphere before a blast/solo cuts it to pieces. It's amazing. There's even a little spoken word. The second guitarist, Dallas Toller-Wade writes 3 of the songs, and they lack the Egyptian feel of the Sanders written songs, but they're absolute Death Metal fests any band would be proud of. The last 4 songs are part of a concept (In Their Darkened Shrines) and they all flow into each other well. 2 are instrumentals, and one starts off with a kickin' drum swell. Awesome songs.

This is easily one of the best albums I've ever heard.
Song writing: 9
Musicianship: 9
Vocals: 10
Production: 10
Overall: 9.5
Buy it now!
good review i liked it :D and i agree Unas Slayer of The Gods is awesome:eek: and sorry for my stupidity but what is Ithyphallic Death Metal i'm clueless :confused:
oh and btw i was going to review this album but i haven't heard it all the way through yet, i have 3 more songs to download :mad: (wanna hear it first to buy it :p ) but oh well you won :p i guess i'm going to write a review of The Odyssey by Symphony X when it comes out :D
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
and sorry for my stupidity but what is Ithyphallic Death Metal i'm clueless :confused:

It's just what Nile call themselves. Ithyphallic means "Of or relating to the phallus carried in the ancient festival of Bacchus." according to
Originally posted by Schraiber
It's just what Nile call themselves. Ithyphallic means "Of or relating to the phallus carried in the ancient festival of Bacchus." according to

cool thanks i feel better now :D
Nile is one of death metal wonders in this time
i can pritty much agree with that review, except i think the musicanship is probably 10... dont see any flaws there.
9.7/10 prolly :)
but who needs to bicker ;)

btw? Eternal? is that you in the pic... if so YOWZA :D ;)
Well it's no me indeed :D , but i like her . :D

For those who didn't know ,she is Angela Gossow from Arch Enemy!!!
Everyone's so full of praise about the production of In Their Darkened Shrines, then how come I don't agree? It's too "noisy" in a way I think, it's less articulate and there's too much "cymbals" (hi-hat) in the sound.

I like the sound of "Black Seeds..." a lot better, especially the drums work a lot better there I think. I'd really would've liked to hear ITDS with the production of BSOV...
i think black seeds had attrocous production...
im glad they got there production fixed on this album its great :)
to much cymble work, HELL NO!, the new drummer rules over the other 2 drummers.

This album rules.....the presentation is particularly appealing...but I agree with the production, I think it sucks a bit. It's not clear at all compared to some death metal nowadays, it really is a mess of sound, and with Nile's busy musicians, a much clearer production is needed to bring-out the best in what this band has to offer. Pretty much all I can hear is a wall of drumkit noise and growls. I'm not sure if i've been able to pick-out any guitar riffs yet.

To the original reviewer, what is an 'Egyptian guitar' ? Does it differ from other guitars?
in my oppinon in their darknened shrines is the best album nile has ever made... and the best album of the year.

if theres a better album that came out this year... i didnt hear it.


but darthlardo is totaly right... all there albums are amazing
Originally posted by NecromancerAlpha
i think black seeds had attrocous production...
im glad they got there production fixed on this album its great :)
to much cymble work, HELL NO!, the new drummer rules over the other 2 drummers.
You must have switched the discs around, BSOV atrocious production??! The drums pound your skull to dust, how can you NOT totally worship a monumental song like "Masturbating The War God"??
