Nile- Ithyphallic


Brain Driller
Apr 1, 2007
Eagle Point, Oregon
Nile's latest release "Ithyphallic" I feel is some of their best material to date. Don't get me wrong, their older shit is my favorite... But this new album is just amazing, the drum work, the lyrical themes, the guitar works... And the two epic lengthed tracks make for a crushing album, check it out if you haven't already. :kickass:
I am enjoying it, but it seems a much more stripped down, less bombastic release than their previous discography. As it goes, "In Their Darkened Shrines" remains my favourite, for the crushing slower tempo on some of the songs. "Sarcophagus" is fucking ULTRA.
It's funny, because this band is selling something ancient, but they've wrapped it in a package that could only be a product of a digital age. It's so absurdly incoherent and meaningless, of course, but they bring to it an air of self-important jackassery that would at least be mildly amusing if only Karl Sanders had invested his time, energy and resources on smoking jackets, port and nice furniture for the parlor instead of into death metal. Unfortunately, he didn't do that, so instead, every two years or so, we have to listen to the self-important jackassery of Nile's asshole fans, endure another half-assed listen to a half-assed album, and probably music theory lessons from retards who think there is such a thing as an "Egyptian Scale" in Western music.
I really want to get this CD, I will get it eventually.
You're pissing me off. You should be forced to take Nile out of your sig :mad:

excellent album.
easily my #1 of '07
The slow doomy parts are fucking awesome on this disk.
George has sealed the deal, he is one of the best dm drummers out there.
and yes, the lyrics are top notch :kickass: :kickass:
I see the point being made. No, Nile aren't strictly adhering to middle eastern musical modes or scales, but then if they were, could they actually play metal ? So what if the music sounds more like a hollywood film version of Egyptian music than it would have actually sounded - after all, most people will only ever experience the country through the medium of film anyway. To be honest, if it evokes an epic image in my minds eye, then it works for me.
I have been meaning to pick this up and I may have to make a trip this weekend to do so, I like their slower stuff as it feels more epic. I have seen them live in a small bar, it was brutal, that is one of the only benefits of living in South Carolina
I have been meaning to pick this up and I may have to make a trip this weekend to do so, I like their slower stuff as it feels more epic. I have seen them live in a small bar, it was brutal, that is one of the only benefits of living in South Carolina
what, you dont like the shitty, humid as fuck weather? :lol:
(I lived in Charleston for a year)
I see the point being made. No, Nile aren't strictly adhering to middle eastern musical modes or scales, but then if they were, could they actually play metal ? So what if the music sounds more like a hollywood film version of Egyptian music than it would have actually sounded - after all, most people will only ever experience the country through the medium of film anyway. To be honest, if it evokes an epic image in my minds eye, then it works for me.

I'm talking less about the sterile soundtrack-y shit then about the whole conceptual aesthetic they've built in its entirety. There's this clinical recall of mythic 'facts,' but no larger symbolic tapestry into which they're woven. The point of the Egyptian shit is to have Egyptian shit: it is both means and end. It reads like a peer-edited journal and sounds like a brown acid episode of Nova, complete with snake charming interludes. For all the scholarly precision, there's none of the life or passion or imagination one would find in more competent artistic interpreters of myth, from Enslaved to Loreena McKennitt.
I can't stand it in SC, the weather, the idiot drivers, the skanky ass money grubbing bar whores, the pretentious college bitches, the humidity, the complete lack of any real music at all, the churches every 3 blocks, the heat, and just about everything else. I have been here for ten years but got orders to Germany and will be there in January, already planning on Wacken next year and cant wait to check out all the European metal in its own enviroment.
basically what scourge of god is saying is that the egyptian thing is a gimmick instead of sounding genuine (like orphaned land or Melechesh, perhaps). it's there because without it, nile would be just another dm band.

that being said, i enjoy some of their albums