Nile- Ithyphallic

I have been meaning to pick this up and I may have to make a trip this weekend to do so, I like their slower stuff as it feels more epic. I have seen them live in a small bar, it was brutal, that is one of the only benefits of living in South Carolina

Along with fireworks, the cheapest booze in the nation and all-nude strip clubs where you can see the valedictorian and the captain of the cheerleading squad dancing within a week of graduation...
basically what scourge of god is saying is that the egyptian thing is a gimmick instead of sounding genuine (like orphaned land or Melechesh, perhaps). it's there because without it, nile would be just another dm band.

that being said, i enjoy some of their albums

Sure, the Egyptian thing is a gimmick, but they do it very well and their music is fucking good regardless.
Nile is a good band and I do not think they are trying to make a soundtrack or history lesson on Egypt and shit. It is brutal fast metal with an Egytian "theme". Sometimes you people get a little to far into things especially the ones who do not even like it.
Along with fireworks, the cheapest booze in the nation and all-nude strip clubs where you can see the valedictorian and the captain of the cheerleading squad dancing within a week of graduation...

Fireworks get old quick and I would rather spend a couple hundred dollars on cds than shit that blows up with gay little colors and it is gone within minutes. The strip clubs are fuckin filthy as well as the women working there. The booze, ah well I guess that is a good thing although I drink imported beer that is too expensive to begin with so I do not really notice.
I hate how people say the gimmick bullshit.
what about all the fucking bm bands about satan..blah blah blah. yeah, exactly!

I was never a huge fan of Sarcophagus. Eat of the Dead though, is pure awesomeness! :kickass:
It's funny, because this band is selling something ancient, but they've wrapped it in a package that could only be a product of a digital age. It's so absurdly incoherent and meaningless, of course, but they bring to it an air of self-important jackassery that would at least be mildly amusing if only Karl Sanders had invested his time, energy and resources on smoking jackets, port and nice furniture for the parlor instead of into death metal. Unfortunately, he didn't do that, so instead, every two years or so, we have to listen to the self-important jackassery of Nile's asshole fans, endure another half-assed listen to a half-assed album, and probably music theory lessons from retards who think there is such a thing as an "Egyptian Scale" in Western music.

That's a pretty good summary of this band. Their a typical death metal band, and those with an ear for this music, aren't buying their Egyptian gimmick.
That's a pretty good summary of this band. Their a typical death metal band, and those with an ear for this music, aren't buying their Egyptian gimmick.
actually, people buy their music because they write amazing songs.
Always have insane fucking drummers.
Have some of the best guitarists in death metal.
and put on an amazing show. :rolleyes:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a typical death metal band, if the music is well written and well executed. In fact, tons of the great early 90s classics are "typical death metal" (Incantation - Onward to Golgotha, Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes, Fleshcrawl - Descend into the Absurd, etc. immediately spring to mind).
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a typical death metal band, if the music is well written and well executed. In fact, tons of the great early 90s classics are "typical death metal" (Incantation - Onward to Golgotha, Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes, Fleshcrawl - Descend into the Absurd, etc. immediately spring to mind).

No one said that there was anything wrong with being a typical death metal band. But with the way this band is spoken about around here, you'd think they had written something along the lines of Obscura, or something similiarly amazing.