Nile (less low growls as they progress?)

Well TWTGD has a decent amount of Karl.
I just wish that they could get a permanent bassist that could do backups on the next album. Even if it's just a couple parts.

I dont mind Dallas playing bass on the records, or even that his lines dont do much, but I just wish they had more bass in the mix. I find their guitar tone is quite over-saturated & is less heavy without the bass to anchor it a bit.

When I saw them last the guy sessioning on bass kept turning himself up when he thought no one was looking. It was pretty amusing.
I'm wayyyyyyyy out of the loop here. The last album they did that I knew about was Ithyphallic... I will have to look this one up. Nile were always a temperamental band for me. Their albums from beginning to end are not very well written generally, but their brilliance lies in the brutality of their stuff, especially "ITDS".
I'm wayyyyyyyy out of the loop here. The last album they did that I knew about was Ithyphallic... I will have to look this one up. Nile were always a temperamental band for me. Their albums from beginning to end are not very well written generally, but their brilliance lies in the brutality of their stuff, especially "ITDS".

The new one is definitely worth a go. I don't think any individual song on it is as as good as the best songs on AOTW or Darkened Shrines, but as an album I think its more consistent.
Does anyone else feel that ITDS was awesome and far more atmospheric than their other stuff? Their other stuff strikes me as decent-but-slightly-soulless, but that album is fucking awesome.
Shrines, Black Seeds and all the other old ones are way way better than everything afterwards. AOTW I also thought had some great stuff, but not *as* great. Ithyphallic blew me away at first but it's long since worn off now. Havent bothered with the new one.