

Nov 19, 2001
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I was wondering if anyone likes Nile? I have their new album, and it is the heaviest and most complex album i have heard all year. I hate the guttaral vocals, and thought Nile would be more effective with spoken word egyptian, done almost like one would if one wished to read poetry- with maybe a very low tuned egyptian chorus thrown in as well. SO I was just wondering if anyone thought this was a good idea- and what everyone thinks of nile?
I haven't actualy heard much Nile, despite the fact that they were everywhere I looked in the metal world following the release of Black Seeds of Vengeance. Did the new one come out yet? Or did it just recently come out.
A friend of mine said that he has a copy of the new Nile CD and the new Hate Eternal CD and that they are the fastest things he has ever heard in his life. He said it is just absolutely amazing. I may have to buy them possibly.
Haven't heard the new one, but I did think highly of Black Seeds of Vengeance. I'm a fan of brutal death metal, but only when it's innovative and progressive. Nile and Hate Eternal are the best of the new grinders, in my view, can't wait to hear the new albums of both of them.

And yes, mags, that is a problem with most recent death metal. But hey, so long as it's good, I don't mind so much of it's similary atonal.
Nile is definitely a band that is either LOVE THEM or HATE THEM. It's the former for me, but I can understand how people don't like them.

But if you like your death metal BRUTAL, incredibly complex, technical and with serious groove, Nile is unmatched in this day and age. If not, oh well. Stick to the Swedish stuff.
I love it.
I have the MP3's, but cant wait to own the album on Aug. 20th.

The new NILE kills.

Here's 2 Nile Pics I took from their latest tour.


god DAMN that's one scary bastard :lol:

I love the band... good stuff, although i would like to see more egyptian death-riffs, as opposed to death metal section, then egypt noise and chanting, then more death... still pretty decent, can be like suffocation in the death parts at times...
Originally posted by Trapped
god DAMN that's one scary bastard :lol:

I love the band... good stuff, although i would like to see more egyptian death-riffs, as opposed to death metal section, then egypt noise and chanting, then more death... still pretty decent, can be like suffocation in the death parts at times...

Having seen Nile live only this past week, I can assure you that their new bassist is INDEED one imposing motherf*cker! His mannerisms and the way he commands stage presence almost reminded me of Danzig back in the day, only Nile's dude wasn't a douchebag. :lol:
I gotta little radio sampler cd from Relapse of the first single from their new album. The song is Unas Slayer of the Gods, and it's about 12 minutes long. I'm more of a pre Black Seeds fan (ie Nephren-Ka and In The Beginning) but I seriously think this is their best song ever. I've heard the whole album, and Unas is definitely the highlight. Probably of their whole career.

The package also came with a HUUUUUGE poster from the new album which now hangs proud in my band's rehearsal room haha.
Originally posted by deathstrike from hell
nile is fast, but nothing exciting. kreator is just as fast, as is sodom. id like to hear a possible collaberation between nile and slayer

You haven't mentioned one band that's even anywhere NEAR as fast as Nile, but that's cool. Perhaps your ears can't pick up everything that's going on during a Nile song. I suggest headphones and bong hits. You'll have a newfound appreciation for this band.
Nile is way faster than Kreator every was, or Slayer. Only Hate Eternal or Cryptopsy play at that level, or come close to that level of technical riffing. Hyperblast is a new league, and let's face it, Angel of Death was fast as hell in 87. But this is 02 and the bar has been raised much higher.
yeh taht guy looks just like glen danzig. when i saw them open for CoF half the audience gave a chuckle becuase everyone said he just like him. and yeh mark. bong rips are always a good idea.
Originally posted by neal
yeh taht guy looks just like glen danzig. when i saw them open for CoF half the audience gave a chuckle becuase everyone said he just like him. and yeh mark. bong rips are always a good idea.

neal, I already know you & I are on the same page when it comes to the sweet leaf, but depending on when you saw Nile (?) open for CoF, you might not have seen the new dude. He only joined recently, replacing their longtime bassist.