NJ Metal Meltdown?

Any Idea who is playing in that pic?

NP: Fear Factory - Demanufacture

I just went back and read some of the stuff that Blackrose posted. I knew this guy was a douche, but fucking WOW! The thing that got me was this pic from the headliner last year:

I've never seen anything that pathetic. You really feel for the guys on stage :(
Nahhh, it's just that no-one actually attended Milwaukee Metalfest. :lol: (Sun and Steel, anyone?)

As nasty as Jack Koshit is, I hafta say that dealing with his sidekick Rob "did I mention I'm Dave's brother?" Grohl was the worst. ("No, guys, you can't buy into ProgPower USA, not that I own it or anything....." Those were weird phone calls. I'm still not sure how they got my number. :erk: )

that's so funny Rob's been emailing me since I started the Nightmare Metal fest, saying he's now part of a booking agency out of England, and they want to book Nightmare bands....I'm like...um, thanks but no.....lol

Yep - that's Vicious Rumors.


Wow. That fucking totally sucks. How in the hell did that few people show up to see a totally killer band like them?!?!? And another thing.... how in the hell did he manage to book an ungodly band like MERCYFUL FATE for one of these shitfests, let alone afford them?...... (mind boggled)