NMF Lyrics


Feb 14, 2004
Has anyone started trying to pin down the lyrics for Nightmares Made Flesh? I'm HORRIBLE with figuring out lyrics, even with clean vocals. Needless to say, I haven't given it a shot.
First person to give me accurate lyrics to "Draped In Disease" gets a Gmail invite. 1gb of storage space, you know you want it.
Bob McBojit said:
When the album is released, it'll probably have the lyrics in the booklet.
Not long to wait, good sir.

But I'm ridiculously impatient. :erk:
Oh no. Not at all. Now's a good time to wish Mikael still did vox, because I'm a lot more used to his voice and I'd have them down by now if it was him. :p
Yeah, I noticed that from Outnumbering the Day.
His vocals in Bloodbath (well, on RTC at least) are a lot clearer and brutal sounding than on his stuff with Opeth. I don't think I've really heard a growl quite like it.
Shame he didn't have the time to do vocals on the new album, but eh. I was worried at first that Tatgren's vocals would be like his vocals with Hypocrisy, which wouldn't have suited the music, methinks. But I was pleasantly surprised with Outnumbering the Day.
Just listen to it constantly until you can make out what he's saying if you're that desperate. That way, you can read the lyrics sheet when the album comes out, and laugh at how wrong you were :D